
PhoneComClient - the Ruby gem for the API

This is a api PhoneCom definition

This SDK is automatically generated by the PhoneCom Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build phone_com_client.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./phone_com_client-1.0.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./phone_com_client-1.0.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'phone_com_client', '~> 1.0.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'phone_com_client', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'phone_com_client'

# Setup authorization
PhoneComClient.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: apiKey
  config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
  # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
  #config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

api_instance =

 = 56 # Integer | Account ID

  #Retrieve details of an individual account
  result = api_instance.(, )
  p result
rescue PhoneComClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AccountsApi->get_account: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
PhoneComClient::AccountsApi get_account GET /accounts/account_id Retrieve details of an individual account
PhoneComClient::AccountsApi list_accounts GET /accounts Get a list of accounts visible to the authenticated user or client.
PhoneComClient::ApplicationsApi get_account_application GET /accounts/account_id/applications/application_id Show details of an individual Application on a given account.
PhoneComClient::ApplicationsApi list_account_applications GET /accounts/account_id/applications This service lists the Applications on a given account
PhoneComClient::AvailableNumbersApi list_available_phone_numbers GET /phone-numbers/available
PhoneComClient::CallLogsApi get_account_call_logs GET /accounts/account_id/call-logs/call_id Show details of an individual Call Log entry
PhoneComClient::CallLogsApi list_account_call_logs GET /accounts/account_id/call-logs Get a list of call details associated with your account
PhoneComClient::CallerIdsApi get_caller_ids GET /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/caller-ids Show the Caller ID options a given extension can use.
PhoneComClient::CallsApi create_account_call POST /accounts/account_id/calls Make a phone call
PhoneComClient::ContactsApi create_account_extension_contact POST /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contacts Add a new address book contact for an extension.
PhoneComClient::ContactsApi delete_account_extension_contact DELETE /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contacts/contact_id Delete a contact from the address book.
PhoneComClient::ContactsApi get_account_extension_contact GET /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contacts/contact_id Retrieve the details of an address book contact.
PhoneComClient::ContactsApi list_account_extension_contacts GET /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contacts Show the Caller ID options a given extension can use.
PhoneComClient::ContactsApi replace_account_extension_contact PUT /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contacts/contact_id Update the info of a contact in the address book.
PhoneComClient::DefaultApi ping GET /ping The default API command
PhoneComClient::DevicesApi create_account_device POST /accounts/account_id/devices Register a generic VoIP device.
PhoneComClient::DevicesApi delete_account_device DELETE /accounts/account_id/devices/device_id Delete a VoIP device.
PhoneComClient::DevicesApi get_account_device GET /accounts/account_id/devices/device_id Show details of an individual VoIP device.
PhoneComClient::DevicesApi list_account_devices GET /accounts/account_id/devices Get a list of VoIP devices associated with your account.
PhoneComClient::DevicesApi replace_account_device PUT /accounts/account_id/devices/device_id Update the details of an individual VoIP device.
PhoneComClient::ExpressServiceCodesApi get_account_express_srv_code GET /accounts/account_id/express-service-codes/code_id Show details of an account Express Service Code
PhoneComClient::ExpressServiceCodesApi list_account_express_srv_codes GET /accounts/account_id/express-service-codes Get the Express Service Code associated with your account in list format.
PhoneComClient::ExtensionsApi create_account_extension POST /accounts/account_id/extensions Create an individual extension.
PhoneComClient::ExtensionsApi get_account_extension GET /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id Show details of an individual extension.
PhoneComClient::ExtensionsApi list_account_extensions GET /accounts/account_id/extensions Get a list of extensions visible to the authenticated user or client.
PhoneComClient::ExtensionsApi replace_account_extension PUT /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id Replace an individual extension.
PhoneComClient::GroupsApi create_account_extension_contact_group POST /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contact-groups Add a new contact group to an account extension.
PhoneComClient::GroupsApi delete_account_extension_contact_group DELETE /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contact-groups/group_id Delete a contact group from the address book.
PhoneComClient::GroupsApi get_account_extension_contact_group GET /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contact-groups/group_id Retrieve the information of a contact group.
PhoneComClient::GroupsApi list_account_extension_contact_groups GET /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contact-groups Show a list of contact groups belonging to an extension.
PhoneComClient::GroupsApi replace_account_extension_contact_group PUT /accounts/account_id/extensions/extension_id/contact-groups/group_id Update the information of a contact group.
PhoneComClient::ListenersApi create_account_listener POST /accounts/account_id/listeners Add a listener object to your account that can be used to subscribe an event.
PhoneComClient::ListenersApi delete_account_listener DELETE /accounts/account_id/listeners/listener_id Delete an individual event listener.
PhoneComClient::ListenersApi get_account_listener GET /accounts/account_id/listeners/listener_id Show details of an individual listener.
PhoneComClient::ListenersApi list_account_listeners GET /accounts/account_id/listeners Get a list of listeners for an account.
PhoneComClient::ListenersApi replace_account_listener PUT /accounts/account_id/listeners/listener_id Update the settings of an individual event listener.
PhoneComClient::MediaApi create_account_media_files POST /accounts/account_id/media/files Add a media object to your account that can be used as a greeting or hold music. Users may create a media by using the built-in Text-to-speech (TTS) facility or upload a file of their choice. (Note: The maximum size for media files or JSON objects included with a POST or PUT request is 10 MB)
PhoneComClient::MediaApi create_account_media_tts POST /accounts/account_id/media/tts Add a media object to your account that can be used as a greeting or hold music. Users may create a media by using the built-in Text-to-speech (TTS) facility or upload a file of their choice. (Note: The maximum size for media files or JSON objects included with a POST or PUT request is 10 MB)
PhoneComClient::MediaApi delete_account_media DELETE /accounts/account_id/media/media_id Delete an individual media record
PhoneComClient::MediaApi get_account_media GET /accounts/account_id/media/media_id Show details of an individual media recording (Greeting or Hold Music)
PhoneComClient::MediaApi list_account_media GET /accounts/account_id/media Get a list of media recordings for an account.
PhoneComClient::MediaApi replace_account_media_files PUT /accounts/account_id/media/files/media_id Update a media object to your account. Note: The maximum size for media files or JSON objects included with a POST or PUT request is 10 MB.
PhoneComClient::MediaApi replace_account_media_tts PUT /accounts/account_id/media/tts/media_id Update a media object to your account.
PhoneComClient::MenusApi create_account_menu POST /accounts/account_id/menus Create an individual menu.
PhoneComClient::MenusApi delete_account_menu DELETE /accounts/account_id/menus/menu_id Delete an individual menu.
PhoneComClient::MenusApi get_account_menu GET /accounts/account_id/menus/menu_id Show details of an individual menu.
PhoneComClient::MenusApi list_account_menus GET /accounts/account_id/menus Get a list of menus for an account.
PhoneComClient::MenusApi replace_account_menu PUT /accounts/account_id/menus/menu_id Replace an individual menu.
PhoneComClient::NumberRegionsApi list_available_phone_number_regions GET /phone-numbers/available/regions
PhoneComClient::OauthApi create_oauth_access_token POST /oauth/access-token To create an access token via the /oauth/access-token API, an API user may choose any one of the grant types it supports: Authorization Code Grant, Client Credential Grant, Password Credential Grant or Refresh Token Grant.
PhoneComClient::OauthApi create_oauth_authorization GET /oauth/authorization Create Authorization Code or Access Token.
PhoneComClient::OauthApi get_oauth_access_token GET /oauth/access-token Retrieve details of an access token, such as scope, expiration and extension ID.
PhoneComClient::OauthClientsApi delete_account_oauth_client DELETE /accounts/account_id/oauth/clients/client_id Delete an individual OAuth client.
PhoneComClient::OauthClientsApi get_account_oauth_client GET /accounts/account_id/oauth/clients/client_id Show details of an individual OAuth client.
PhoneComClient::OauthClientsApi list_account_oauth_clients GET /accounts/account_id/oauth/clients Get a list of OAuth clients for an account.
PhoneComClient::OauthClientsRedirectUrisApi create_account_oauth_clients_redirect_uri POST /accounts/account_id/oauth/clients/client_id/redirect-uris Create an OAuth Client Redirect URI record.
PhoneComClient::OauthClientsRedirectUrisApi delete_account_oauth_clients_redirect_uri DELETE /accounts/account_id/oauth/clients/client_id/redirect-uris/uri_id Delete an OAuth Client Redirect URI record.
PhoneComClient::OauthClientsRedirectUrisApi get_account_oauth_clients_redirect_uri GET /accounts/account_id/oauth/clients/client_id/redirect-uris/uri_id Get details of an OAuth Client Redirect URI record.
PhoneComClient::OauthClientsRedirectUrisApi list_account_oauth_clients_redirect_uris GET /accounts/account_id/oauth/clients/client_id/redirect-uris Get a list of OAuth Client Redirect URIs for an account.
PhoneComClient::PaymentMethodsApi create_account_payment_method POST /accounts/account_id/payment-methods Create an individual payment method.
PhoneComClient::PaymentMethodsApi delete_account_payment_method DELETE /accounts/account_id/payment-methods/pm_id Delete an individual payment method.
PhoneComClient::PaymentMethodsApi get_account_payment_method GET /accounts/account_id/payment-methods/pm_id Show details of an individual payment method.
PhoneComClient::PaymentMethodsApi list_account_payment_methods GET /accounts/account_id/payment-methods Get a list of payment methods for an account.
PhoneComClient::PaymentMethodsApi patch_account_payment_method PATCH /accounts/account_id/payment-methods/pm_id Replace the status of an individual payment method.
PhoneComClient::PhoneNumbersApi create_account_phone_number POST /accounts/account_id/phone-numbers Add a phone number to an account.
PhoneComClient::PhoneNumbersApi get_account_phone_number GET /accounts/account_id/phone-numbers/number_id Show details of an individual phone number.
PhoneComClient::PhoneNumbersApi list_account_phone_numbers GET /accounts/account_id/phone-numbers Get a list of phone numbers registered to an account.
PhoneComClient::PhoneNumbersApi replace_account_phone_number PUT /accounts/account_id/phone-numbers/number_id Update the settings for an existing phone number on your account.
PhoneComClient::QueuesApi create_account_queue POST /accounts/account_id/queues Create a queue.
PhoneComClient::QueuesApi delete_account_queue DELETE /accounts/account_id/queues/queue_id Delete a queue.
PhoneComClient::QueuesApi get_account_queue GET /accounts/account_id/queues/queue_id Show details of an individual queue.
PhoneComClient::QueuesApi list_account_queues GET /accounts/account_id/queues Get a list of queues for an account.
PhoneComClient::QueuesApi replace_account_queue PUT /accounts/account_id/queues/queue_id Replace a queue.
PhoneComClient::RoutesApi create_route POST /accounts/account_id/routes Add a new route to the account.
PhoneComClient::RoutesApi delete_account_route DELETE /accounts/account_id/routes/route_id Delete a route from the account.
PhoneComClient::RoutesApi get_account_route GET /accounts/account_id/routes/route_id Show details of an individual route.
PhoneComClient::RoutesApi list_account_routes GET /accounts/account_id/routes Get a list of routes for an account.
PhoneComClient::RoutesApi replace_account_route PUT /accounts/account_id/routes/route_id Update the information of a route.
PhoneComClient::SchedulesApi get_account_schedule GET /accounts/account_id/schedules/schedule_id Show details of an individual schedule
PhoneComClient::SchedulesApi list_account_schedules GET /accounts/account_id/schedules Get a list of schedules for an account
PhoneComClient::SmsApi create_account_sms POST /accounts/account_id/sms Send a SMS to one or a group of recipients.
PhoneComClient::SmsApi get_account_sms GET /accounts/account_id/sms/sms_id This service shows the details of an individual SMS.
PhoneComClient::SmsApi list_account_sms GET /accounts/account_id/sms Get a list of SMS messages for an account.
PhoneComClient::SmsApi patch_account_sms PATCH /accounts/account_id/sms/sms_id Update the is_new parameter in a sms record.
PhoneComClient::SubaccountPricingApi create_account_subaccount_pricing POST /accounts/account_id/subaccounts/subaccount_id/pricing Add a pricing plan to a subaccount.
PhoneComClient::SubaccountPricingApi delete_account_subaccount_pricing DELETE /accounts/account_id/subaccounts/subaccount_id/pricing/pricing_id Delete a pricing plan from a subaccount.
PhoneComClient::SubaccountPricingApi get_account_subaccount_pricing GET /accounts/account_id/subaccounts/subaccount_id/pricing/pricing_id Get the details of a pricing plan for a subaccount.
PhoneComClient::SubaccountPricingApi list_account_subaccount_pricing GET /accounts/account_id/subaccounts/subaccount_id/pricing Get a list of pricing plans for a subaccount.
PhoneComClient::SubaccountsApi create_account_subaccount POST /accounts/account_id/subaccounts Add a subaccount for the authenticated user or client
PhoneComClient::SubaccountsApi list_account_subaccounts GET /accounts/account_id/subaccounts Get a list of subaccounts for the authenticated user or client
PhoneComClient::TrunksApi create_account_trunk POST /accounts/account_id/trunks Add a trunk record with SIP information.
PhoneComClient::TrunksApi delete_account_trunk DELETE /accounts/account_id/trunks/trunk_id Delete a trunk from account.
PhoneComClient::TrunksApi get_account_trunk GET /accounts/account_id/trunks/trunk_id Show details of an individual trunk.
PhoneComClient::TrunksApi list_account_trunks GET /accounts/account_id/trunks Get a list of trunks for an account.
PhoneComClient::TrunksApi replace_account_trunk PUT /accounts/account_id/trunks/trunk_id Replace parameters in a trunk.
PhoneComClient::VoicemailApi get_account_voicemail GET /accounts/account_id/voicemail/voicemail_id This service shows the details of an individual voicemail.
PhoneComClient::VoicemailApi list_account_voicemail GET /accounts/account_id/voicemail Get a list of voicemail messages for an account.
PhoneComClient::VoicemailApi patch_account_voicemail PATCH /accounts/account_id/voicemail/voicemail_id Update the is_new parameter in a voicemail record.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header