
Phd is a tool to browse changes in disk space usage. It creates a database and creates SVG images of the usage. The svg uses area and color to display both file size and size change relative to the compared date. A cgi wrapper is also available for browsing usage. Phd is a near complete rewrite of philesight ( with many changes.


$ gem install phd


$ phd <directory>

or to reuse a database:

$ phd <directory> -d <database>


  • Sinatra web interface, displaying files by directory, with an svg display of file use/changes.
  • MySQL support
  • Remote shell support
  • Windows support
  • Automatic start with inetd/xinetd




The usual fork, change, test, pull request.

Change log

July 26, 2013: 0.1.2 release

  • Rename gem to phd

May 17, 2013: 0.1.1 release

  • Basic command line usage. Files searched and database filled with stats.

June 14, 2012: 0.1.0 release

  • Initial posting.