
This gem is made to implement the callback mechanism to sub processes.


Ruby >= 2.0.0

This gem uses ::fork and therefore is not compatible with JRuby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'phantom'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install phantom


  phantom = '/path/to/',
                        on_ok: method(:my_ok_callback),
                        on_error: method(:my_error_callback)) do
    # Do your background job here
rescue Phantom::ForkError => e
  puts e.pid_file  #=> pid file path
  puts e.message   #=> error message
end     #=> PID or nil if fork fails    #=> name of the subprocess. The name equals to the name displayed by linux command `ps`.
phantom.status  #=> 'Alive' | 'Dead' | 'Paused'
phantom.dead?   #=> true if the sub process is dead (i.e. either ended normally or killed)
phantom.alive?  #=> true if not dead.

phantom.stop      #=> pause the sub process
phantom.pause     #=> pause is an alias of stop
phantom.continue  #=> resume the sub process
phantom.resume    #=> resume is an alias of continue

phantom.kill(1)     #=> send signal to the sub process
phantom.kill(:TERM) #=> you can as well use the POSIX signal names

phantom.terminate   #=> terminate the sub process gracefully
phantom.abort!      #=> force the sub process to end immediately

The on_ok parameter can be any instances that respond to call taking no arguments.

The on_error parameter can be any instances that respond to call taking 1 argument, the exception.

None of the parameters is required.

If pid_file is given, first check the existence of the file, if exits, raises a Phantom::ForkError.

If you want a global mutex (i.e. mutex between multiple processes), you can use the Phutex instances.

@phutex ='path/to/your/lock/file')

@phutex.sync do
  # do your job here


  1. The status is NOT completely retrieved from the sub process, so any manipulation out of the phantom instance, except terminating the sub process, will not be recognized.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request