
Convert hex strings to PGP word lists and vice-versa.

See PGP word list on WikiPedia for more information.

I've also written a JavaScript version: javascript-pgp-word-list.


Extends String, Array, and Integer with .to_pgp_words, and String and Array with .to_pgp_hex.

Available as a gem on RubyGems.

require 'pgp-word-list'

> 'D1D4 64C0 04F0 0FB5 C9A4  C8D8 E433 E7FB 7FF5 6256'.to_pgp_words
=> "stairway souvenir flytrap recipe adrift upcoming artist positive spearhead Pandora spaniel stupendous tonic concurrent transit Wichita lockup visitor flagpole escapade"

> 0xD1D464C004F00FB5C9A4C8D8E433E7FB7FF56256.to_pgp_words
=> "stairway souvenir flytrap recipe adrift upcoming artist positive spearhead Pandora spaniel stupendous tonic concurrent transit Wichita lockup visitor flagpole escapade"

> "stairway souvenir flytrap recipe adrift upcoming artist positive spearhead Pandora spaniel stupendous tonic concurrent transit Wichita lockup visitor flagpole escapade".to_pgp_hex
=> "D1D464C004F00FB5C9A4C8D8E433E7FB7FF56256"                       

> ["stairway", "souvenir", "flytrap", "recipe"].to_pgp_hex
=> ["D1", "D4", "64", "C0"]

> ["D1", "D4", "64", "C0"].to_pgp_words
=> ["stairway", "souvenir", "flytrap", "recipe"]


Warren Guy [email protected]

The word list itself belongs to PGP Corporation.


MIT license. See LICENSE