Panda Flavored Markdown

A few clever extensions to GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax.

  • Code block includes
  • Pandoc-style footnotes

Code Block includes

Include as a code block all of the content from another file (paths
relative to PWD). The code block type will be inferred from the
file extension when possible.


Include only a selection of the file content:


Pandoc's footnote syntax

This text:

Sometimes you wish to have a footnote, but GFM[^gfm] doesn't have a syntax
for it.  Pandoc[^pandoc] has a nice syntax as illustrated here.

[^gfm]:  GitHub Flavored Markdown.

[^pandoc]:  [Pandoc]( is the swiss-army
knife of document conversion tools.

The location of the footnote definitions doesn't matter, as they will be
collected and appended to a Notes section at the end of the document.

Processes to this markdown:

Sometimes you wish to have a footnote, but GFM<sup><a name="__gfm" href="#gfm">1</a>.</sup> doesn't have a syntax
for it.  Pandoc<sup><a name="__pandoc" href="#pandoc">2</a>.</sup> has a nice syntax as illustrated here.

The location of the footnote definitions doesn't matter, as they will be
collected and appended to a Notes section at the end of the document.

# Notes

<a name="gfm" href="#__gfm">1 &#8617;</a>.  GitHub Flavored Markdown.

<a name="pandoc" href="#__pandoc">2 &#8617;</a>.  [Pandoc]( is the swiss-army
knife of document conversion tools.