Perambulate is a library for parsing addresses in natural language.

As Seen On TV(tm), Perambulate makes it easier for you to get customer addresses in a normal, conversational form. No more thousands of input boxes, drop-downs and annoying conversational logic. Simply ask for their address and run it through Perambulate.


Currently, this tool does nothing. It’s still in very early stages and doesn’t even have a concrete architecture yet.

You CAN expect constant breaking changes on Master.

The first iteration will not handle countries: To make things simpler, you need to know what country address grammar you’re attempting to parse before parsing it.

The first iteration is being done on Australian style addresses because that’s what I’m familiar with. Sorry, Matz.


I want Perambulate to be an address management toolkit for developers. Desired features are:

  • Chunk any given address

  • Offer a likilhood of any string being a specific set of address units

  • Validate that any chunk is a member of a valid set (ie restrict ‘suburb’ to a defined set)

  • Have a variety of address parsers to suit specific combinations of


This section was last updated for version: 0.0.1 If this is not the latest version of the gem, this document is out of date. You’re most welcome to correct everything below this paragraph but please don’t change the version without checking that the following is true. I don’t want to lie to other developers ;)

Perambulate is the library module where all user interaction functions live, including configuration.