Penn Libraries MARC Parser

This gem embodies the received and newfound wisdom of Penn Libraries MARC parsing practice. The values returned by this parser should be agnostic about the particular discovery system in which it is included. Most of this was extracted from the "Nouveau Franklin" project aka discovery_app.

When included in a project, it should be utilized like this:

parser = # eventually we will pass in some mappings...
puts parser.title_show(marc_record) # Title intended for display

All methods will require a MARC::Record object. For more about these, see the ruby-marc gem documentation



  • ruby 3.2.2, other versions will probably work


After cloning the repository and setting up Ruby for the project, run bundle install to install the gems.


Classes in the helpers directory bring together common fields that may share logic. PennMARC::Util holds methods used for common tasks such as joining subfields.


Highly descriptive and accurate documentation of MARC parsing practices will improve developer happiness, as well as that of library collaborators. To this end, developers should utilize YARD documentation syntax as appropriate.

A YARD documentation server can be run during development and will reload with updated docs as you work:

yard server --reload

When successful, the documentation pages will be available at http://localhost:8808.


This gem utilizes the upennlib-rubocop gem to enforce a consistent style.

To run rubocop with the configuration:


To regenerate .rubocop_todo.yml:

bundle exec rubocop --auto-gen-config  --auto-gen-only-exclude --exclude-limit 10000


Testing is done with rspec. Test coverage should approach 100% given the relative simplicity of this gem.

To run the test suite:


Publishing the Gem

  1. Update the VERSION constant in lib/pennmarc/version.rb following this gem's versioning pattern (ex 1.1.0).
  2. Merge the change into main.
  3. Create a Gitlab Release:
    1. Go to
    2. Create a new tag that matches the version set in step 1 (ex: v1.1.0).
    3. Add a release title that is the same as the tag name.
    4. Submit by clicking "Create Release".
  4. Once the release is created a pipeline will run to publish the gem to RubyGems.

Versioning Guidelines

We do not explicitly follow Semantic Versioning principles, but follow it's general principles. In common cases, here's what to do:

  • Increment MAJOR_VERSION if the Parser class functionality is modified in a breaking fashion.
  • Increment MINOR_VERSION if a Helper class is renamed, or if an existing helper method is renamed.
  • Increment PATCH_VERSION if a new Helper class or method is added, of if any non-breaking bugfix is made.