
<img src=“” />

Peiji-San uses scopes to create a thin pagination layer.

We try to stay out of the way of your application as much as possible. That’s why you need to include Peiji in the places where you actually use it.

class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend PeijiSan
  self.entries_per_page = 32

After that a special extended scope is defined on the model and you will be able to select a collection that contains only records on that page.

@collection =

In the view you can either build your own links to the pages or you can use the helpers shipped with Peiji. Like with the model extension the view helpers aren’t defined by default, you will need to include them in another helper class.

class ApplicationHelper
  include PeijiSan::ViewHelper

After that the helpers will be usable in your view.

<% if @collection.page_count > 1 %>
  <% pages_to_link_to(@collection).each do |page| %>
    <%= page.is_a?(String) ? page : link_to_page(page, @collection) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>


Peiji-san is adept at working together with Sinatra. The only caveat is that it uses the url_for method, which Sinatra does not provide by default. So you will need a recent version of Unfortunately there has been no gem releases for it in a while, so we recommend you use tobias-sinatra-url-for until the situation improves. Afterwards, in your Sinatra application

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  helpers Sinatra::UrlForHelper, PeijiSan::ViewHelper

  get '/' do
    # the job
    @collection =[:page])
    erb :items

and in your view you can do exactly the same thing you see in the Rails example.

Rails 2.3 and earlier

The latest version of Peiji only works in Rails 3 because of extensive changes to the scope API. However, earlier version work just fine in Rails 2.3. Rails 3 support starts at version 1.0, so put the following in environment.rb:

config.gem "peiji-san", :lib => "peiji_san", :version => "< 1.0"