
Peeek peeks at calls of a method

Get started quickly

Peeek has command line interface, you can get started quickly after installed.

$ gem install peeek
$ peeek -H'String#%' -e 'puts "%s (%d)" % ["Koyomi", 18]'
Koyomi (18)
String#% from "%s (%d)" with ["Koyomi", 18] returned "Koyomi (18)" in -e at 1

See at the details on using by peeek -h.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'peeek'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install peeek


You can peek at calls of a method by Object#peeek (or Peeek#hook).

require 'peeek'

String.peeek(:%) # or Peeek.current.hook(String, :%)

format = '%s (%d)'
puts format % ['Koyomi',  18]
puts format % ['Karen',   14]
puts format % ['Tsukihi', 14]

puts Peeek.current.calls # => String#% from "%s (%d)" with ["Koyomi", 18] returned "Koyomi (18)" in peeek-example.rb at 6
                         # => String#% from "%s (%d)" with ["Karen", 14] returned "Karen (14)" in peeek-example.rb at 7
                         # => String#% from "%s (%d)" with ["Tsukihi", 14] returned "Tsukihi (14)" in peeek-example.rb at 8

How to hook to a method

Call Object#peeek to any module or any class, hook to their instance methods.


Also for an instance of any class, hook to its singleton methods.


If want to choose whether to hook to either instance method or singleton method, add "#" before in the method name in instance method, add "." in singleton method.


Even if the method isn't defined at the time you call Object#peeek, enable the hook when the method is defined.

require 'pp' # enable the hook
pp {'Koyomi' => 18, 'Karen' => 14, 'Tsukihi' => 14}

Localize a Peeek object

Peeek.local enables hooks only in a block.

require 'peeek'

format = '%s (%d)'

calls = Peeek.local do
  puts format % ['Koyomi', 18]

puts calls # => String#% from "%s (%d)" with ["Koyomi", 18] returned "Koyomi (18)" in peeek-local.rb at 7

puts format % ['Karen', 14] # not captured

Hook to methods at head of the block, and return the calls, then use Peeek.capture.

require 'peeek'

format = '%s (%d)'

calls = Peeek.capture(String => :%) do
  puts format % ['Koyomi',  18]

puts calls # => String#% from "%s (%d)" with ["Koyomi", 18] returned "Koyomi (18)" in peeek-capture.rb at 6

puts format % ['Karen', 14] # not captured

Filter calls

Peeek#calls or Peeek.capture return an instance of Peeek::Calls. It has implemented methods to filter by attributes of the call.

require 'peeek'

format = '%s (%d)'

calls = Peeek.capture(String => :%) do
  puts format % ['Koyomi', 18]
  puts format % ['Karen'] rescue $!

puts'peeek-calls.rb') # filter by file name
puts\.rb/)           # can also use regular expressions
puts                # filter by line number
puts            # can also use range
puts calls.from('%s (%d)')      # filter by receiver
puts calls.return_values        # filter only calls that returned a value
puts calls.exceptions           # filter only calls that raised an exception


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