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PDQTest - Puppet Docker Quick-test - is the quickest and easiest way to test your puppet modules. PDQTest features tests for:

  • Linting
  • Syntax
  • RSpec
  • Acceptance (BATS)

PDQTest runs linting, syntax and RSpec tests within the machine it is running from and then loads a docker container to perform acceptance testing.


To install PDQTest on your system:

System Ruby

gem install pdqtest

Bundler, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pdqtest
  • It's advisable to specify a version number to ensure repeatable builds

Puppet modules

To add PDQTests to a puppet module, run the command:

pdqtest init

This will install PDQTest into the Gemfile and will generate an example set of acceptance tests

Running tests

PDQTest preparation

PDQTest needs to download a Docker image before running tests:

bundle exec pdqtest setup

This image is updated periodically, the above command will download the appropriate image for the version of pdqtest being used.

Module dependencies/.fixtures.yml

There is no need to maintain a .fixtures.yml file and the presence of this file when using pdqtest is an error.

Public modules (PuppetForge)

Dependencies on public forge modules must be specified in your module's metadata.json file.

Private modules (from git)

If you need to download modules from git, then you must populate the fixtures section of fixtures.yml, eg:

    repo: ''
    ref: 'mybranch'
  • The filename is fixtures.yml NOT .fixtures.yml. The leading dot had to be removed to avoid puppetlabs_spec_helper also detecting the file and trying to use it.
  • The file format of .fixtures.yml and fixtures.yml for specifing git repositories is identical
  • Only the repositories section of the file will be processed as we do not use puppetlabs_spec_helper to do this for us.

All tests

If you just want to run all tests:

bundle exec pdqtest all

RSpec tests

bundle exec pdqtest rspec

Debugging failed builds

PDQTest makes it easy to debug failed builds:

pdqtest shell
  • Open a shell inside the docker container that would be used to run tests
  • Your code is available at /cut
pdqtest --keep-container all
  • Run all tests, report pass/fail status
  • Keep the container Running
  • After testing, the container used to run tests will be left running and a message will be printed showing how to enter the container used for testing. Your code is avaiable at /cut


PRs welcome :) Please ensure suitable tests cover any new functionality and that all tests are passing before and after your development work:

bundle exec rake spec

Who should use PDQTest?

You should use pdqtest if you find it increases your productivity and enriches your life


  • If you can't find the pdqtest command and your using rbenv be sure to run rbenv rehash after installing the gem to create the necessary symlinks
  • Don't forget to run pdqtest setup before your first pdqtest run to download/update the Docker image
  • If you need to access private git repositories, make sure to use fixtures.yml not .fixtures.yml
  • If you need a private key to access private repositories, set this up for your regular git command/ssh and pdqtest will reuse the settings


This software is not supported by Puppet, Inc. Use at your own risk.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

Running tests

  • PDQTest includes a comprehensive tests for core library functions. Please ensure tests pass before and after any PRs
  • Run all tests bundle exec rake spec
  • Run specific test file bundle exec rspec ./spec/SPEC/FILE/TO/RUN.rb
  • Run specific test case bundle exec rspec ./spec/SPEC/FILE/TO/RUN.rb:99 (where 99 is the line number of the test)