
This is a helper for PowerDNS remotebackend. It lets you create a backend with less hassle.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pdns-remotebackend'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pdns-remotebackend


Please see contrib/example.rb for example script. All methods and their arguments are described in detail at http://doc.powerdns.com/remotebackend.html. When your script is called, the Handler class needs to have method with name do_<name-of-method;gt;(args). Such as do_lookup(args). Any arguments are passed as hash to your handler.

To get starting, subclass Pdns::Remotebackend::Handler. You need to override at least 'do_lookup(args)' method. You are passed in arguments as

args = { "qname" => "www.example.com", "qtype" => "ANY|SOA", .. + other stuff }

You are expected to modify object attribute 'result' to contain an array of records. The easiest way is to do

result = [ record("www.example.com","A","127.0.01") ]

This will construct a reply array with one resource record.

Some methods expect non-array output, you can provide

result = true
result = { :foo => :bar } 

If you wish to log something, use

log &lt;&lt; "something I want logged".  

Should you need some parameters passed to the remotebackend connection string, you can always have a look at @parameters, which contains them.

To start a pipe or unix server, do

Pdns::Remotebackend::Unix(MyHandlerClass, { :path => "/path/to/socket"} ).run


In addition to stubs for remotebackend, the Pdns::Remotebackend::Handler has following helpers for making records

def record_prio_ttl(qtype,qname,content,prio,ttl,auth=1)
  {:qtype => qtype, :qname => qname, :content => content, :priority => prio, :ttl => ttl, :auth => auth}

def record_prio(qtype,qname,content,prio,auth=1)

def record(qtype,qname,content,auth=1)


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request