pdm-rails is a drop-in replacement for ActionMailer. It makes sending email reliably, trivial. And, it provides web accessible reports on what got sent, and what didn’t get sent.

#Costs and Stuff

To send mail, you’ll need an API key. You can get one here: [pipedevmail.com/accounts](http://pipedevmail.com/accounts). It’ll be stocked with enough credits for 1000 emails.

We’re a long way off charging. So, send us some feedback, tell us what you think (or just say hello), and we’ll pump up your balance. [email protected]


This gem is a drop-in replacement for ActionMailer. But, our system can do much more. For example, our templating mechanisms is hot. Personalization is cool (think mustache). We can deal with scheduling, in-lining of images and style sheets.

If you’re interested in those kinds of things, check out [rubygems.org/gems/pdm ](rubygems.org/gems/pdm).


  1. Add ‘pdm-rails` to your `Gemfile` (`gem “pdm-rails”`)

  2. Add ‘require “pdm-rails/railtie”` to `config/application.rb`

  3. In ‘config/environments/production.rb`: Change `config.action_mailer.delivery_method` to: `config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :pdm`

  4. Also in ‘config/environments/production.rb`: Add `config.action_mailer.pdm_settings = { :api_key => PDM_API_KEY }`

  5. Get an API key (‘PDM_API_KEY`) here: [pipedevmail.com/accounts](http://pipedevmail.com/accounts)

Now, send emails the way you used to. Instead of being dispatched through your usual mail server, they’ll be sent through our service.

Check out: [pipedevmail.com/blog](http://pipedevmail.com/blog) for more detail.