Pdfcraft <img src=“https://travis-ci.org/kofno/pdfcraft.png?branch=master” /> <img src=“https://badge.fury.io/rb/pdfcraft.png” alt=“Gem Version” />

A little Rails plugin for rendering PDFs from templates.


Add Pdfcraft to your Gemfile

gem "pdfcraft"

And bundle

% bundle



From your controllers:

def index
  respond_to do |format|
    format.pdf { render pdf: 'contents' }


Create view templates just like you would for any other view format. Use file extension .pdfcraft for the pdfcraft template handler.

By default, Pdfcraft gives you access to the pdf document through a variable named ‘pdf’.

pdf.text "This will be rendered in a PDF"

Since Pdfcraft is built on Rails’ templating and rendering, this means that partials, layouts, and helpers are all at your disposal.

pdf.text "This is a template"

render partial: 'aggregates'

Pdfcraft uses Prawn as the rendering engine. For the time being, the pdf object delgates directly to a Prawn::Document object, so refer to Prawn’s API documentation for how to construct a PDF.

One method on the Pdfcraft::Document that is not part of the Prawn::Document is the #page_config method. This method takes all of the options that Prawn::Document#new does, and can only be called once before any other method on Pdfcraft::Document. This is how you can configure the PDF layout options.

pdf.page_config page_layout: :landscape

One you’ve started constructing the document, calls to #page_config will be ignored. There is also a version of #page_config named #page_config! (notice the bang). Using #page_config! will raise an exception if PDF document construction has already begun.


If, for some reason, you don’t want to use the ‘pdf’ variable name (perhaps you have a name collision), you can configure the variable to be named anything you want.

Create an initializer and set the Pdfcraft#varibale_name value:

# config/initializers/pdfcraft.rb
Pdfcraft.variable_name = 'gummi_bears'

Then you can refernce your pdf document from your views using this variable name instead:

# app/views/a_controller/a_view.pdf.pdfcraft
gummi_bears.move_down 20
gummi_bears.text "Get in ma belly!"

A Note About render_to_string

The contract for render_to_string requires that this method returns a string. In the case of PDF representations, string content doesn’t really make sense, since it’s really a binary format. When render_to_string is called for PDF format, Pdfcraft simply returns the binary data for the generated PDF.