
Circle CI

pco_api is a Rubygem that provides a simple wrapper around our RESTful JSON API at https://api.planningcenteronline.com.


gem install pco_api


  1. Create a new API object, passing in your credentials (either HTTP Basic or OAuth2 access token):

    # authenticate with HTTP Basic:
    api = PCO::API.new(basic_auth_token: 'token', basic_auth_secret: 'secret')
    # ...or authenticate with an OAuth2 access token (use the 'oauth2' gem to obtain the token)
    api = PCO::API.new(oauth_access_token: 'token')
  2. Chain path elements together as method calls.

    # /people/v2/households
  3. For IDs, treat the object like a hash (use square brackets).

    # /people/v2/households/1
  4. To execute the request, use get, post, patch, or delete, optionally passing arguments.

    api.people.v2.households.get(order: 'name')
    # GET /people/v2/households?order=name


require 'pco_api'

api = PCO::API.new(basic_auth_token: 'token', basic_auth_secret: 'secret')
api.people.v2.people.get(order: 'last_name')

...which returns something like:

  "links" => {
    "self" => "https://api.planningcenteronline.com/people/v2/people?order=last_name",
    "next" => "https://api.planningcenteronline.com/people/v2/people?offset=25&order=last_name"
  "data"=> [
      "type" => "Person",
      "id" => "271",
      "first_name" => "Jean",
      "middle_name" => nil,
      "last_name" => "Abernathy",
      "birthdate" => "1885-01-01",
      "anniversary" => nil,
      "gender" => "F",
      "grade" => -1,
      "child" => false,
      "status" => "active",
      "school_type" => nil,
      "graduation_year" => nil,
      "site_administrator" => false,
      "people_permissions" => nil,
      "created_at" => "2015-04-01T20:18:22Z",
      "updated_at" => "2015-04-10T18:59:51Z",
      "avatar" => nil,
      "links" => {
        "self" => "https://api.planningcenteronline.com/people/v2/people/271"
    # ...
  "meta" => {
    "total_count" => 409,
    "count" => 25,
    "next" => {
      "offset" => 25
    "orderable_by" => [
    "filterable_by" => [
    "can_include" => [


get() works for a collection (index) and a single resource (show).

# collection
api.people.v2.people.get(order: 'last_name')
# => { data: array_of_resources }

# single resource
# => { data: resource_hash }


post() sends a POST request to create a new resource. You must wrap your resource with a { data: { ... } } hash.

api.people.v2.people.post(data: { type: 'Person', attributes: { first_name: 'Tim', last_name: 'Morgan' } })
# => { data: resource_hash }


patch() sends a PATCH request to update an existing resource. You must wrap your resource with a { data: { ... } } hash.

api.people.v2.people[1].patch(data: { type: 'Person', id: 1, attributes: { first_name: 'Tim', last_name: 'Morgan' } })
# => { data: resource_hash }


delete() sends a DELETE request to delete an existing resource. This method returns true if the delete was successful.

# => true


The following errors may be raised by the library, depending on the API response status code.

HTTP Status Codes Error Class
400 PCO::API::Errors::BadRequest < PCO::API::Errors::ClientError
401 PCO::API::Errors::Unauthorized < PCO::API::Errors::ClientError
403 PCO::API::Errors::Forbidden < PCO::API::Errors::ClientError
404 PCO::API::Errors::NotFound < PCO::API::Errors::ClientError
405 PCO::API::Errors::MethodNotAllowed < PCO::API::Errors::ClientError
422 PCO::API::Errors::UnprocessableEntity < PCO::API::Errors::ClientError
other 4xx errors PCO::API::Errors::ClientError
500 PCO::API::Errors::InternalServerError < PCO::API::Errors::ServerError
other 5xx errors PCO::API::Errors::ServerError

The exception object has the following methods:

Method Content
status HTTP status code returned by the server
message the message returned by the API

The message should be a simple string given by the API, e.g. "Resource Not Found".

Alternatively, you may rescue PCO::API::Errors::BaseError and branch your code based on the status code returned by calling error.status.

Copyright 2015, Ministry Centered Technologies. Licensed MIT.