Welcome to Paypal/ruby

This library is here to aid with integrating Paypal payments into ruby on rails applications or similar. To set this up you will need to log into your paypal business account and tell paypal where to send the IPN ( Instant payment notifications ).




1) Either install the rubygem for this library ( rake install from source

or gem install --source <url> paypal    using gems directly )

2) Create a new controller which handels the paypal related tasks.

script/generate controller payment

3) Add the Paypal::Helpers to the newly created controller.

module PaymentHelper
  include Paypal::Helpers

4) Create a paypal_ipn ( or similar ) action like the one in the “Example rails controller” appendix.

Within the new payment controller you can now create pages from which users can be sent to paypal. You always have to sent users to paypal using a HTTP Post so a standard link won’t work (well OK but you need some javascript for that). The Paypal::Helper namespace has some examples of how such a forward page may look.

Testing the integration

Under developer.paypal.com/ you can signup for a paypal developer account. This allows you to set up “sandboxed” accounts which work and act like real accounts with the difference that no money is exchanged. Its a good idea to sign up for a sandbox account to use while the application is running in development mode.

Example rails controller

class BackendController < ApplicationController

  # Simplification, please write better code then this...
  def paypal_ipn
   notify = Paypal::Notification.new(request.raw_post)

   if notify.acknowledge 
     order = Order.find(notify.item_id)
     order.success = (notify.complete? and order.total == notify.amount) ? 'success' : 'failure'

   render :nothing => true

Example paypal forward page

<%= paypal_form_tag %>
  <%= paypal_setup "Item 500", Money.us_dollar(50000), "[email protected]", :notify_url => url_for(:path_only => false, :action => 'paypal_ipn') %>  

  Please press here to pay $500US using paypal. <br/>
  <%= submit_tag "Go to paypal >>" %>

<% end_form_tag %>


2005-07-26 – 0.9.5

  • Added tax to the helper parameters

  • fixed bug when money class was used to pass in amount. Cents were always 00 (doh!)

  • Added invoice and custom optional parameters

  • Added charset = utf-8 to all paypal posts

  • Wrongly used undefined_quanitity parameter in 0.9.1, this caused users to be prompted for the quanitity on the paypal checkout page… fixed

2005-07-22 – 0.9.1

  • support for cancel_url as well as notify_url. This means you can now set the IPN callback address from the paypal_setup method and you don’t have to do that in the paypal admin interface!

  • Removed the actual form tag from the paypal_setup generated code to conform better with docs