PayPal Report

A little lightweight wrapper for Paypal's Report API. All three major API methods run_report_request, get_meta_data_request and get_data_request are exposed. On top of that, higher methods provide extra functionality. For now, this only daily reports.


Example usage, receiving all report from today:

require 'paypal/report'
api =, password, vendor, partner)
puts api.daily.inspect

As an example, the gem provides a small command line tool to easily get today's earnings. Usage:

paypal-report-daily -a <partner> -v <vendor> -u <user> -p <password>


Gem is in an early stage, so lots of stuff to do:

  • introduce more higher level functions (e.g. period)
  • add tests
  • add examples


We'll check out your contribution if you:

  • Provide a comprehensive suite of tests for your fork.
  • Have a clear and documented rationale for your changes.
  • Package these up in a pull request.

We'll do our best to help you out with any contribution issues you may have.


The license is included as LICENSE in this directory.