# Paypal Permissions

Ruby implementation of the [PayPal Permissions API](www.x.com/community/ppx/permissions).

Please visit PayPal’s [Permissions Service API developer forums](www.x.com/community/ppx/permissions?view=discussions) for questions about the Permissions API.

## Example

### Step 1: Direct the user to the “Grant Permissions” on PayPal

paypal = PaypalPermissions::Paypal.new( userid, password, signature, application_id, :production )
request_data = paypal.request_permissions(
  [:express_checkout, :direct_payment, :auth_capture, :refund, :transaction_details],

# Send the browser to :permissions_url to grant permission to your application
redirect_to request_data[:permissions_url]

### Step 2: Lookup result to get the final permission token

paypal = PaypalPermissions::Paypal.new( userid, password, signature, application_id, :production )
token_data = paypal.get_access_token( params['token'], params['verifier'] )

# Save token_data[:token] and token_data[:token_secret]

### Step 3: Make API calls with the ‘X-PP-AUTHORIZATION` header

Use the ‘:token` and `:token_secret`, along with your own API credentials, to create the `X-PP-AUTHORIZATION` header.

signature = paypal.generate_signature(api_key, secret, token, token_secret, 'POST', 'https://api.paypal.com/nvp')
header = { 'X-PP-AUTHORIZATION' => signature }

### Lookup granted permissions

scopes = paypal.lookup_permissions paypal_token

### Cancel granted permissions

paypal.cancel_permissions paypal_token

## Available Permissions


## Copyright

Copyright © 2011 Recurly. MIT License

Original version by Isaac Hall.