Sage PaymentsJS-Rails Gem

NOTE: This gem is not yet finished and has not been extensively tested, be very careful using this gem until v.1.0 is released.

The PaymentsJS-Rails gem simplifies the integration of Sage's PaymentsJS SDK by adding the PaymentsJs model and making configuring environmental variables easy.


Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'paymentsjs-rails'

Use Bundler to install:

bundle install

And add the following file:


Then, in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js file, add:

//= require pay //this adds the pay.min.js file provided via Sage CDN

Currently this gem is only intended for those using the PayJS(['PayJS/UI']) module. With time it will be extended to other modules.

Quick Start

Follow the PaymentsJS GitHub Quick Start guide, minus the

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


PaymentsJS requires several variables to be added to the $UI.Initialize() function in order to work. The Quick Start comes with several variables preloaded. We'll replace these with embedded ruby to call the same preloaded variables:

PayJS(['PayJS/UI'], // the name of the module we want to use
function($UI) { // assigning the module to a variable
    $UI.Initialize({ // configuring the UI
        apiKey: "<%= PaymentsJs.api_key %>", // your developer ID
        merchantId: "<%= PaymentsJs.mid %>", // your 12-digit account identifier
        authKey: "<%= PaymentsJs.encrypt %>", // covered in the next section!
        requestType: "<%= PaymentsJs.request_type %>", // use can use "vault" to tokenize a card without charging it
        requestId: "<%= PaymentsJs.req_id %>", // an order number, customer or account identifier, etc.
        amount: "<%= PaymentsJs.amount %>", // the amount to charge the card. in test mode, different amounts produce different results.
        elementId: "paymentButton", // the page element that will trigger the UI
        nonce: "<%= PaymentsJs.salt %>", // a unique identifier, used as salt
        debug: true, // enables verbose console logging
        preAuth: <%= PaymentsJs.pre_auth %>, // run a Sale, rather than a PreAuth
        environment: "<%= PaymentsJs.environment %>", // hit the certification environment
        addFakeData: true,
        billing: {
            name: "Shaka Smart",
            address: "",
            City: "Denver",
            state: "CO",
            postalCode: "80205"
    $UI.setCallback(function(result) { // custom code that will execute when the UI receives a response
        console.log(result.getResponse()); // log the result to the console
        var wasApproved = result.getTransactionSuccess();
        alert(wasApproved ? "ka-ching!" : "bummer");

Reload the page and the payment system should work.


In your config/initializers/paymentsjs-rails.rb file, add this:

PaymentsJs.configuration do |config|
    config.mid          = "YOUR MERCHANT ID"
    config.mkey         = "YOUR MERCHANT KEY"
    config.api_key      = "YOUR API KEY"
    config.api_secret   = "YOUR SECRET KEY"
    config.postback_url = "YOUR POSTBACK URL"

This will override the default variables.


Integrating is easy and very variable. There are several values that will need to be dynamically set, and in a semi-order. Before you can call PaymentsJs.encrypt the following variables need to be set:

PaymentsJs.amount       = "ORDER PRICE" #note, this needs to be a string, not a float/integer
PaymentsJs.req_id       = "ORDER NUMBER" #if blank, "invoice(xx)" with xx being a random integer between 10 and 42 will be generated
PaymentsJs.request_type = "ORDER REQUEST TYPE"
PaymentsJs.pre_auth     = boolean
PaymentsJs.environment  = "ORDER ENVIRONMENT"

The other variables are generated by encryption.