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Used to password protect sensitive actions. This was inspired by the need to follow the same pattern Github uses when adding a new key to your account. The goal of PasswordRequired is to make this pattern easy and flexible without requiring additional rails libraries.

Usage Example

# In your gemfile
gem 'password_required'
# In your controller
class WidgetsController < ApplicationController
  include PasswordRequired::ControllerConcern

  password_required for: [:create, :update, :destroy],
                    with: ->(password) { password == 'roflcopters' },
                    if: :request_ip_untrusted?

  # ...

password_required options

  • for: (Required) An array of methods you want to protect

  • with: (Optional) lambda that receives the password given OR a symbol of a method to call. If either returns a truthy result the action will be allowed. You may optionally define a method password_correct? that will be used for all password protected actions.

  • if: (Optional) lambda or method name that determines if a request needs to be password protected. Always true by default. Useful if there are some times you do not need to prompt for a password. You optionally define a method password_required? on the controller that will be called for all password protected actions.

Current Limitations and Issues

  • Only POST type actions are supported DELETE, POST, PUT
  • ~~Only designed and tested with rails 4.1~~
  • Works for rails >= 4.0.0


Q: "What if I don't like the idea of magical callbacks?"

A: No problem, you'll need to define the following methods in your controller

  • password_correct? (hint) password_given is the password from the request
  • password_required? (optional) always true by default

In the controller actions you want to password protect: guard_with_password!

def destroy
  # ...

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.