
Gem Version Testing workflow


The 'pass' command generates random passwords.


All you have to do is to install the gem

$ gem install pass


You can run 'pass' to generate one random password. Generated passwords have 20 characters and does not include ambiguous characters l o I O 1 " ' ` |. As default, a password consists of upper case letters, lower case letters, and numbers.

$ pass

If you need more passwords, you can specify the number of passwords.

$ pass 12

You can specify the password length with -l or --length option.

$ pass -l 30
$ pass --length 50

You can use -s or --symbols option to include symbols in passwords.

$ pass -s
$ pass --symbols

You can specify certain characters you don't want to put in passwords with -e or --exclude option.

$ pass -e 'ABCD678'
$ pass --symbols --exclude '*[]{}/\'


-c [NUMBER]                      (deprecated) specify password length
-l, --length [NUMBER]            specify password length
-s, --symbols                    include symbols
-e, --exclude [CHARACTERS]       exclude characters
-v, --version                    show version


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.