
A small lightweight command line interface for mplayer.


sudo gem install paradiso


To play files

paradiso file1 file2

To create a playlist

paradiso -pn playlist file1 file2 dir1

To play a playlist and remove the items that has been already played

paradiso -pd playlist


It’s possible to stream rar-archives, it works exactly like other parameters, but will remove “duplicates”, i.e. if there’s a filename.rar, filename.r00 and filename.r01 then we’ll just keep the first occurrence.

Note: There seems to be a problem with the unrar installed from the package manager port for Mac OS X, but everything seems to work fine for the version installed through homebrew.

Config file

Paradiso has some basic support for a config file

touch ~/.paradiso

Sample config file, in YAML

fullscreen : true
aspectratio : "16:10"

It’s also possible to tell where mplayer is located or specify another name of mplayer by adding this to the config file:

player: /usr/local/bin/mplayer

Same goes for unrar:

unrar: /usr/local/bin/unrar

Ignore file endings:

ignore_endings: ["nfo", "sfv", "txt"] # default
ignore_endings: ["avi"]


  • Better playlist support

  • Other mediums then just avi et al(DVD, Bluray and so on)

  • Handle meta-data

  • Config stuff, file ratios and such.

Copyright © 2010 Victor Bergöö. See LICENSE for details.