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gem 'panoptes-client'


In general, this library is supposed to be a thin, flat layer over our HTTP-based API. All public API methods can be found on the Client object.

A lot of methods are still missing. You can either issue a PR adding the one you need, or use the generic get / post methods on Client.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

Alternatively use docker and docker-compose to get your dev env setup.

docker-compose build # to build your dev docker image
docker-compose up # to run the tests in the dev container

# or run an interactive bash session in the dev container
docker-compose run --service-ports --rm panoptes-client bash

The test suite uses VCR to record HTTP requests, so if you're not making any new requests you should be fine with the existing cassettes. If you are, the test suite uses environment variables to pull in authentication credentials. You'll need to create an OAuth application on staging, and set the following env vars:

Variable Value
ZOONIVERSE_CLIENT_ID The application id
ZOONIVERSE_CLIENT_SECRET The application secret
ZOONIVERSE_ACCESS_TOKEN An OAuth access token for the API

We recommend Direnv as good utility to allow you to specify environment variables per directory.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/panoptes-client. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


Follow these steps for publishing changes to the panoptes-client.rb ruby gem.

  1. Make sure changes have been outlined in, and version has been updated in lib/panoptes/client/version.rb. Reference Semantic Versioning for guidance on how to update the version number.
  2. Tag a release when your PR has been merged into master. Use this guide for reference on how to create release tags. Set the version number (e.g. v1.1.1) as the tag name. Select the master branch as the target branch. In the release description, list out the changes that have been made just as you did in Do not select pre-release unless it’s not yet ready for production, and then click ‘Publish Release’.
  3. Once the release tag is set, check out the release branch locally and test to make sure everything is working as expected, run tests and make sure they pass. Use the following command to check out a branch via its tag: git checkout tags/<tag>
  4. Create the package by running rake build. This will build the new version of the panoptes gem (e.g. panoptes-client-1.1.1.gem) into the pkg directory. Once you’ve done this, run bundler console to make sure everything works as expected. For more details on packaging and distributing ruby gems, check out this article.
  5. To publish the gem, use the command [sudo] gem push [gem file]. You’ll need to enter your credentials. Make sure you are one of the owners of the gem, or else you will not have permission to publish. You should see the version updated shortly on And that’s it!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.