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Like PandocRuby, but its interface is more limited:

module PandocRb
  def self.raise_exception(result)

  def self.convert(in_format_str, out_format_str, input_str, extract_media_path='')

  def self.reader_from_ext(extension)

The primary benefit is that instead of using system calls, pandoc_rb directly uses the memory allocated for Ruby Strings through the FFI.

The benchmark results indicate that both significant constant (from initialization) and linear (from streaming through bash pipes) overhead for PandocRuby is eliminated in pandoc_rb.


Requires Haskell-stack

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pandoc_rb'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pandoc_rb


pandoc_rb's main interface is contained in the PandocRb module.

The public interface consists of constants and a main conversion function

The constants include:

PandocRb::Version # The current version
PandocRb::Readers # A list of allowed readers
PandocRb::Writers # A list of allowed writers

And the main conversion function is:

# General conversion function
PandocRb.convert input_format, output_format, input_string, (optional) extract_media_path

# Convert `markdown` to `latex`
PandocRb.convert 'markdown', 'latex', '_italic text_'

# Convert `docx` to `latex` from file
PandocRb.convert 'docx', 'latex', File.binread('some_doc.docx'), `extract/figures/dir`

# Convert `markdown` to `docx`, writing to a `docx` file 'some_doc.docx', 'wb' do |file|
  file.write PandocRb.convert('markdown', 'docx', '_italic text_')


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request