PandaPay API Ruby Library Gem Version Build Status Code Climate

The PandaPay API Ruby gem provides convenient access to the PandaPay API for applications written in the Ruby language.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pandapay_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pandapay_api


  • Ruby 2.1+.


The library needs to be configured with your account's secret key which is available in your PandaPay Dashboard. Set PandaPay.api_key to its value:

require "pandapay_api"
PandaPay.api_key = "sk_test_..."

# Create a customer
email: "[email protected]", 
source: "V45VnfsKzGJR9LIT9fgt4Kna6gz"

Panda.js Tokens

In order to create customer objects or donation objects without a customer_id, you will need a payment source token from panda.js. To get more information about this, please refer to the API section of your dashboard.


Creating a donation is simple with the Pandapay_API gem. All you need is the payment source, the amount, and the receipt_email. You can also add a platform_fee, destination, and restriction.

# Create a donation
source: "7uKpZcziQ5mrAQ5BVSMhm2ZPX7o", 
amount: "5000", 
receipt_email: "[email protected]"

#Example response:
#<PandaPay::Donation:0x007fbedb04ee70 @id="ch_AZ4xFphfWsjhS0GW93ofmg", @object="donation", @created=1505171888, @livemode=false, @charge_amount=5000, @platform_fee=0, @donation_after_fees=4775, @currency="usd", @payment_token="7uKpZcziQ5mrAQ5BVSMhm2ZPX7o", @customer=nil, @grants=[], @receipt_email="[email protected]", @destination="", @restriction=nil>

# Create a donation with a destination to automatically generate a grant
source: "K2vUvDrRTTc37y0q26bppoEQ2Iy", 
amount: "5000",
receipt_email: "[email protected]",
destination: "95-4604782" 

#Example response
#<PandaPay::Donation:0x007fbeda0be550 @id="ch_LTBoq-Ln2T9BFXTCmcwtjA", @object="donation", @created=1505172101, @livemode=false, @charge_amount=5000, @platform_fee=0, @donation_after_fees=4775, @currency="usd", @payment_token="K2vUvDrRTTc37y0q26bppoEQ2Iy", @customer=nil, @grants=["gr_ZMPNOx_7fMMZFQJuQs01qQ"], @receipt_email="[email protected]", @destination="95-4604782", @restriction=nil>


If you have a balance in your 'Unallocated Donation Amount' on your PandaPay Dashboard, you can create a grant. All you need to provide is an amount (less than the aformentioned balance) and a destination.

destination: "95-4604782", 
amount: "10000"

#Example Response
#<PandaPay::Grant:0x007fbeda85fde0 @id="gr_RmL6PhFwlyWugBTdSmy5vw", @object="grant", @created=1505172414, @livemode=false, @amount=10000, @status="pending", @currency="usd", @type="npo", @destination="95-4604782", @restriction=nil>


The PandaPay_API Ruby gem permits customer creation, updates, and deletion using the following methods. To create a user, you must provide an email and a panda.js payment source token. To update a user, you need to provide a PandaPay customer_id and the value you want to update (email and/or source). To delete a user, you just need the customer_id.

# Create a customer
email: "[email protected]", 
source: "V45VnfsKzGJR9LIT9fgt4Kna6gz"

#Example response:
#<PandaPay::Customer:0x007fb5cc87d1e0 @id="cus_XZh_d56chDzNqFZyqT7YcA", @object="customer", @email="[email protected]", @livemode=false, @cards=[{"id"=>"card_V45VnfsKzGJR9LIT9fgt4Kna6gz", "object"=>"card", "created"=>1505170021, "livemode"=>false, "customer"=>"cus_XZh_d56chDzNqFZyqT7YcA", "last4"=>"1111"}]>

# Update a customer 
customer_id: "cus_IOHfSE0z4KxVbF53DzSxhA",
source: "SPfZl6YXK1zsc3gDZrOCc8Y3NRp",
email: "[email protected]" 

#Example response:
#<PandaPay::Customer:0x007fb5cb82fc70 @id="cus_IOHfSE0z4KxVbF53DzSxhA", @object="customer", @email="[email protected]", @livemode=false, @cards=[{"id"=>"card_88SB6AJIjVCCPCMtiyd3ykuDQ8F", "object"=>"card", "created"=>1505168696, "livemode"=>false, "customer"=>"cus_IOHfSE0z4KxVbF53DzSxhA", "last4"=>"1111"}, {"id"=>"card_SPfZl6YXK1zsc3gDZrOCc8Y3NRp", "object"=>"card", "created"=>1505170178, "livemode"=>false, "customer"=>"cus_IOHfSE0z4KxVbF53DzSxhA", "last4"=>"1111"}]>

# Delete a customer
customer_id: "cus_IOHfSE0z4KxVbF53DzSxhA"

#Example response
#<PandaPay::Customer:0x007fb5cca14a08 @id="cus_IOHfSE0z4KxVbF53DzSxhA", @object="customer", @email="[email protected]", @livemode=false, @cards=[{"id"=>"card_88SB6AJIjVCCPCMtiyd3ykuDQ8F", "object"=>"card", "created"=>1505168696, "livemode"=>false, "customer"=>"cus_IOHfSE0z4KxVbF53DzSxhA", "last4"=>"1111"}, {"id"=>"card_SPfZl6YXK1zsc3gDZrOCc8Y3NRp", "object"=>"card", "created"=>1505170178, "livemode"=>false, "customer"=>"cus_IOHfSE0z4KxVbF53DzSxhA", "last4"=>"1111"}]>


To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.