Paid Ruby bindings Travis CI Status Code Climate


You don't need this source code unless you want to modify the gem. If you just want to use the Paid Ruby bindings, you should run:

gem install paid

If you want to build the gem from source:

gem build paid.gemspec


  • Ruby 1.9.3 or above.

Ruby 1.8.6 may work if you load ActiveSupport. 1.8.7 may work if you add this to your Gemfile:

if <'1.9.2')
  gem 'rest-client', '~> 1.6.8'

1.9.2 should work without any changes, but we don't currently test against it or any versions before 1.9.3.

  • rest-client, json


If you are installing via bundler, you should be sure to use the https rubygems source in your Gemfile, as any gems fetched over http could potentially be compromised.

source ''

gem 'rails'
gem 'paid'


Test cases can be run with: bundle exec rake test

Test Rake Task

To hit the API with some test calls run:

bundle exec rake test_api["sk_test_api_key"]