
Build Status

Pronounced like "patience".

Using a simple DSL, you can declare which of your page object elements must be present and visible on the page before your code can consider it loaded.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pagetience'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pagetience


To use Pagetience, simply include Pagetience in your page object class and then use the required method to set which elements must be visible on the page for it to be considered loaded.

class GooglePage
  include PageObject
  include Pagetience

  text_field :search, name: 'q'
  required :search

When an instance of your page object is created then the required elements will be checked for.

Page transitions

Using the transition_to method within your page object, you can now wait for an expected page to transition to.

class FirstPage
  include PageObject
  include Pagetience

  text_field :a, id: 'a'
  button :b, id: 'b'
  required :a, :b

  def go_to_b
    self.a = 'a'

    wait_for_transition_to SecondPage

class SecondPage
  include PageObject
  include Pagetience

  button :c, id: 'c'
  required :c

  def back_to_a

    wait_for_transition_to FirstPage, 15, 5 # wait up to 15 seconds, polling every 5 seconds

# In a test

@current_page =
expect(@current_page.loaded?).to eq true # true
expect(@current_page).to be_an_instance_of SecondPage # true

Adjusting the Timeout/Polling

You can use the waiting method to specify how long you want to wait and, optionally, at what interval to poll the page for element visibility.

The default timeout is 30 seconds, polling every second.

class GooglePage
  include PageObject
  include Pagetience

  text_field :search, name: 'q'
  required :search
  waiting 60, 5 # wait up to 60 seconds, polling every 5 seconds

Supported Platforms

Currently, this gem only works with the page-object gem. It's a high priority to make working with other page object/webdriver libraries easier.


  1. Add platform support for Selenium WebDriver
  2. Add platform support for Watir WebDriver
  3. SitePrism?
  4. Documentation
  5. Organize unit tests


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.