
So you're ready to put on the big girl/boy pants and stop using inline script tags in your views?

Can't figure out how to hook javascript to specific actions in your Rails app?

Pagescript can help. It fires custom events based on what controller / action was called and makes it simple to add event handlers.

Pagescript is intended for classical web applications where Rails handles rendering views. SPA's have better mechanisms for this anyways.

It is designed to integrate seamlessly with Turbolinks.


  • Sprockets
  • jQuery
  • Turbolinks (optional)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pagescript'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Replace your the body tag in your app/views/layouts/application.html.erb with <%= body_tag %>. This adds data attributes that we can hook onto.

You can optionally pass the params_as_metadata: true option to attach the url parameters to the body element. See [The pagescript event][#the-pagescript-event] for more details.

//= pagescript
Pagescript.on('users#*', function(){
    console.log('some action belonging to UsersController was rendered');
  }) // all methods are chainable
  .on('users#show', function(){
    console.log('Users#show action was called');
  }) // you can remove handlers as well.

// This is only required if you are not using Turbolinks

Note that you should not wrap this in a $(document).ready callback.

Pagescript Event types

On each page replacement (or load) Pagescript will fire multiple events that you can listen to. * symbolizes a wildcard.

// A specific controller_name and action
// Any action belonging to a specific controller
// Any action matching action_name
// Any page load

When using the Pagescript API methods you don't need to include the pagescript: "namespace".

The Pagescript Event

The Event object which is passed to event handlers has the following extra properties:

  • controller [String]
  • action [String]
  • params [object]

The params object is only populated if you have used the params_as_metadata: true option.

<%= body_tag(params_as_metadata: true) %>

The param keys are cast to camelCase by jQuery.

Javascript API

All methods return the Pagescript module and can be chained.

When using the Pagescript API methods you don't need to include the pagescript: "namespace" in the event name.

on, off and one proxy to their jQuery counterparts. Please see the jQuery documentation for more details.


Used to start hook Pagescript to the document.ready event in the absense of Turbolinks

Removes all handlers for the given event. See


Attaches an event handler to a controller, a particular action or any action matching the name.

Pagescript.on('foo#bar', function(e){
  console.log( e.controller, e.action_name, e.params );
  // "foo", "bar", {}

See jQuery.on

Like .on, but the handler only fires once.



Adds the main event handler which Pagescript hinges on.


Halts any Pagescript events from being fired - does not remove user created handlers. Call .start to reverse the effect.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Want to help?

See Contributing for how you can help and Devlopment for instructions to setup the test suite and what is expected of you.