
License MIT Gem Version Build Status

Provides a lightweight Ruby interface for calling the PagerDuty Integration API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pagerduty'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pagerduty


# Don't forget to require the library
require "pagerduty"

# Instantiate a Pagerduty with your specific service key
pagerduty ="<my-service-key>")

# Trigger an incident
incident = pagerduty.trigger("incident description")

# Acknowledge and/or resolve the incident

There are a whole bunch of properties you can send to PagerDuty when triggering an incident. See the PagerDuty documentation for the specifics.

  "incident description",
  :incident_key => "my unique incident identifier",
  :client       => "server in trouble",
  :client_url   => "",
  :details      => { :my => "extra details" },

Debugging Error Responses

The gem doesn't encapsulate HTTP error responses from PagerDuty. Here's how to go about debugging these unhappy cases:

  pagerduty.trigger("incident description")
rescue Net::HTTPServerException => error
  error.response.code    #=> "400"
  error.response.message #=> "Bad Request"
  error.response.body    #=> "{\"status\":\"invalid event\",\"message\":\"Event object is invalid\",\"errors\":[\"Service key is the wrong length (should be 32 characters)\"]}"

Upgrading to Version 2.0.0

The API has changed in three ways that you need to be aware of:

  1. Pagerduty class initialiser no longer accepts an incident_key. This attribute can now be provided when calling the #trigger method (see above).

  2. Pagerduty#trigger arguments have changed to accept all available options rather than just details.

    # This no longer works post v2.0.0. If you're
    # providing details in this form, please migrate.
    pagerduty.trigger("desc", :key => "value")
    # Post v2.0.0 this is how to send details (migrate to this please).
    pagerduty.trigger("desc", :details => { :key => "value" })
  3. PagerdutyException now extends from StandardError rather than Exception. This may affect how you rescue the error. i.e. rescue StandardError will now rescue a PagerdutyException where it did not before.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/pagerduty/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request