Module: Pageflow::Configuration::Defaults

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

  storage: :s3,
  s3_headers: {'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=31536000'},

  url: ':s3_alias_url',
  path: ':pageflow_s3_root/:class_basename/:attachments_path_name/' \

  validate_media_type: false,

  # Paperclip deletes and reuploads the original on
  # reprocess. Sometimes S3 seems to change the order of commands
  # causing the image to be deleted. This is fixed on paperclip
  # master, but for us not deleting old files is good enough. They
  # might be in the CDN anyway.
  keep_old_files: true
  thumbnail: {
    geometry: '100x100#',
    format: :JPG
  thumbnail_large: {
    geometry: '560x315#',
    format: :JPG

  navigation_thumbnail_small: {
    geometry: '85x47#',
    format: :JPG
  navigation_thumbnail_large: {
    geometry: '170x95#',
    format: :JPG
  thumbnail_overview_desktop: {
    geometry: '230x72#',
    format: :JPG
  thumbnail_overview_mobile: {
    geometry: '200x112#',
    format: :JPG

  link_thumbnail: {
    geometry: '192x108#',
    format: :JPG
  link_thumbnail_large: {
    geometry: '394x226#',
    format: :JPG