Pageflow Public I18n

A shared library of translations to be used in published Pageflow entries.


This gem is not supposed to be installed directly into Pageflow applications. It can instead be used as a dependency of Pageflow plugin gems.


This gem is supposed to make adding new available locales for published Pageflows easy. When adding a new language, instead of having to make changes to all Pageflow plugin gems that contribute ui elements to published Pageflows, the additional translations only need to be added to this gem.

Whenever a Pageflow plugin needs a translation for a new string, it can be added to this gem in a new minor version. The plugin can then depend that version to ensure the translation is present.


Make the gem a dependency of you Pageflow plugin:

spec.add_dependency 'pageflow-public-i18n', '~> 1.0'

Start using translations from the pageflow.public namespace:


Contributing Locales

Edit the translations directly on the pageflow-public-i18n Localeapp project.