
PaddleC is a Ruby C extension attempting to provide objects and methods to rapidly set up real-time signal processing test benches in Ruby (because Ruby is so cool).

The Ruby code would look like buffer administration, leaving the heavy processing to C subroutines while keepking the user code concise and elegant, without the need to recompile the whole thing each time the slightest change is made to the application.

FloatBuffer and ComplexBuffer wraps native arrays of single floats. Computations are performed in C on single floats, and depending on the host architecture it may be accelerated with AVX, SSE, FMA or NEON SIMD instructions.

How to install

First, install dependencies:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libpulse-dev
sudo apt install libfftw3-dev libfftw3-single3

Clone this repository, build the gem and install it:

git clone
cd paddlec
gem build paddlec.gemspec
gem install paddlec-XXX.gem # XXX is the version of the gem

Generate the documentation:

# Install yard if it is not already installed
gem install yard
# Use the helper script to generate the documentation
# Open the freshly generated documentation
firefox doc/index.html


  • select, reject
  • FFTw, FFTscope, Oscilloscope
  • libswresample
  • boolean buffers and [] +=
  • pulseaudio sink / source
  • rtlsdr source
  • oscillators, PLLs, costas loops...
  • doc rdoc, yard groups
  • ...