Class: PactBroker::Matrix::PactNotVerifiedByRequiredProviderVersion

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The pact for the required consumer verison has been verified by the provider, but not by the required provider version (this row is not included in the matrix, and it’s absence must be inferred) Update: because the left outer join now returns a row with blank verification details, this scenario is now indistingishable from PactNotEverVerifiedByProvider TODO: merge these two classes when it’s verified that they are duplicates.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from ErrorReasonWithTwoSelectors

#consumer_selector, #provider_selector

Method Summary

Methods inherited from ErrorReasonWithTwoSelectors

#==, #initialize, #to_s

Methods inherited from Reason


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from PactBroker::Matrix::ErrorReasonWithTwoSelectors