Pact Mock Service

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This codebase provides the mock service used by implementations of Pact. It is packaged as a gem, and as a standalone executable for Mac OSX and Linux (Windows coming soon.)

The mock service provides the following endpoints:

  • DELETE /interactions - clear previously mocked interactions
  • POST /interactions - set up an expected interaction
  • GET /interactions/verification - determine whether the expected interactions have taken place
  • POST /pact - write the pact file

As the Pact mock service can be used as a standalone executable and administered via HTTP, it can be used for testing with any language. All that is required is a library in the native language to create the HTTP calls listed above. Currently there are binding for Ruby and Javascript. If you are interested in creating bindings in a new langauge, and have a chat to one of us on the pact-dev Google group.


For some examples of the HTTP requests that occur under the hood when using either the Ruby client or the Javascript client, see this gist.

With Ruby on Mac OSX and Linux

$ gem install pact-mock_service
$ pact-mock-service --port 1234

Run pact-mock-service help for command line options.

With Ruby on Windows

Check out the wiki page here.

With SSL

If you need to use the mock service with HTTPS, you can use the built-in SSL mode which relies on a self-signed certificate.

$ pact-mock-service --port 1234 --ssl

Mac OSX and Linux, without Ruby

See the releases page for the latest standalone executables.

Windows, without Ruby

See the releases page for the latest standalone executables.

