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PacketGen provides simple ways to generate, send and capture network packets easily.

Why PacketGen

Why create PacketGen ? There is already PacketFu!

Yes. But PacketFu is limited:

  • upper protocols use fixed layers: TCP always uses IPv4, IP and IPv6 always uses Ethernet as MAC,...
  • cannot handle tunneled packets (IP-in-IP, or deciphered ESP packets,...)
  • cannot easily encapsulate or decapsulate packets
  • parse packets top-down, and sometimes bad parse down layers
  • cannot send packet on wire at IP/IPv6 level (Ethernet header is mandatory)

use cases

These use cases are the roadmap for PacketGen.

Not yet implemented:

  • encapsulation/decapsulation
  • some protocols...

Easily create packets

PacketGen.gen('IP')             # generate a IP packet object
PacketGen.gen('TCP')            # generate a TCP over IP packet object
PacketGen.gen('IP').add('TCP')  # the same
PacketGen.gen('Eth')            # generate a Ethernet packet object
PacketGen.gen('IP').add('IP')   # generate a IP-in-IP tunnel packet object

# Generate a IP packet object, specifying addresses
PacketGen.gen('IP', src: '', dst: '')

# get binary packet

Send packets on wire

need PcapRub for Ethernet packets. Need a C extension (use of C socket API) for IP packets.

# send Ethernet packet
PacketGen.gen('Eth', src: '00:00:00:00:01', dst: '00:00:00:00:02').to_w
# send IP packet
PacketGen.gen('IP', src: '', dst: '').to_w
# send forged IP packet over Ethernet
PacketGen.gen('Eth', src: '00:00:00:00:01', dst: '00:00:00:00:02').add('IP').to_w('eth1')

Parse packets from binary data

packet = PacketGen.parse(binary_data)

Capture packets from wire

need PCapRub.

# Capture packets, action from a block
PacketGen.capture('eth0') do |packet|

# Capture some packets, and act on them afterward
packets = PacketGen.capture('eth0', max: 10)   # return when 10 packets were captured

# Use filters
packets = PacketGen.capture('eth0', filter: 'ip src', max: 1)

Easily manipulate packets

# access header fields
pkt = PacketGen.gen('IP').add('TCP')
pkt.ip.src = ''
pkt.ip(src: '', ttl: 4)
pkt.tcp.dport = 80

# access header fields when multiple header of one kind exist
pkt = PacketGen.gen('IP').add('IP')
pkt.ip.src = ''  # set outer src field
pkt.ip(2).src = ''  # set inner src field

# test packet types
pkt = PacketGen.gen('IP').add('TCP') 'TCP'   # => true 'IP'    # => true 'UDP'   # => false

# encapulsate/decapsulate packets
pkt2 = PacketGen.gen('IP').add('ESP', spi: 1234)
pkt.encap pkt2                         # pkt is now a IP/ESP/IP/TCP packet
                                       # eq. to pkt.encap('IP', 'ESP', esp_spi: 1234)
pkt.decap('IP', 'ESP')                 # pkt is now inner IP/TCP packet

Read/write PcapNG files

# read a PcapNG file, containing multiple packets
packets ='file.pcapng') = 65535
# write only one packet to a PcapNG file
# write multiple packets to a PcapNG file
PacketGen.write('more_packets.pcapng', packets)


MIT License (see LICENSE)

Copyright © 2016 Sylvain Daubert

Other sources

All original code maintains its copyright from its original authors and licensing.

This is mainly for StrucFu (copied from PacketFu) and PcapNG module (also copied from PacketFu, but I am the author).