Pipeline is a framework for running a series of tools. Generally, it is intended as a backbone for automating a security analysis pipeline of tools.
Recommended Usage
For those wishing to run pipeline, we recommend using the docker image. See the documentation for more info. Pipeline Docker Documentation
For those interested in how to use Pipeline in a DevOps context, see Pipeline DevOps Integration Options
gem install pipeline
Extending Pipeline
Pipeline is intended to be extended through added "tasks". To add a new tool, copy an existing task and tweak to make it work for the tool in question.
Common options include: -d for debug -f for format (takes "json", "csv", "jira")
For a full list of options, use pipeline --help
or see the OPTIONS.md file.
The target can be:
- Filesystem (which is analyzed in place)
- Git repo (which is cloned for analysis)
- Other types of images (.iso, docker, etc. are experimental)
- clamav
- hashdeep
- rm (*nix)
- git
- mount (*nix)
- docker
To run the code, run the following from the root directory:
ruby bin/pipeline
To build a gem, just run: gem build pipeline.gemspec
Git Hooks
First, grab the hook from the code.
meditation:hooks mk$ cp /area53/owasp/pipeline/hooks/pre-commit .
Then make it executable.
meditation:hooks mk$ chmod +x pre-commit
Make sure the shell you are committing in can see docker.
meditation:hooks mk$ eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
Now go test and make a change and commit a file. The result should be that pipeline runs against your code and will not allow commits unless the results are clean. (Which is not necessarily a reasonable expectation)
Configuration files
For advanced usage scenarios, you can save your configuration and use it at runtime.
Matt Konda Alex Lock Rafa Perez