
This project contains the Ruby SDK for the oVirt Engine API.


Note that most of the code of this SDK is automatically generated. If you just installed the gem then you will have everything already, but if you downloaded the source then you will need to generate it, follow the instructions in the README.adoc file of the parent directory.


To use the SDK require the ovirtsdk4 file. That will give you access to all the classes of the SDK, and in particular to the OvirtSDK4::Connection class. This is the entry point of the SDK, and gives you access to the root of the tree of services of the API:

require 'ovirtsdk4'

# Create a connection to the server:
connection =
  url: '',
  username: 'admin@internal',
  password: '...',
  ca_file: 'ca.pem'

# Get the reference to the system service:
system_service = connection.system_service

# Always remember to close the connection when finished:

The ca.pem file is required when connecting to a server protected with TLS. In an usual oVirt installation it will be in /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem. If you don’t specify ca_file, then the system wide CA certificate store will be used.

Once you have the reference to the system service you can use it to get references to other services, and call their methods. For example, to retrieve the list of virtual machines of the system you can use the vms_service method, which returns a reference to the service that manages the virtual machines:

# Get the reference to the "vms" service:
vms_service = system_service.vms_service

This service is an instance of OvirtSDK4::VmsService, and it has a list method that returns an array of virtual machines, which are instances of the OvirtSDK4::Vm class:

# Retrieve the virtual machines:
vms = vms_service.list

# Print the names and identifiers of the virtual machines:
vms.each do |vm|
  puts "#{}: #{}"

You will find more usage examples in the examples directory.


The reference documentation is available here.