What is thisĀ ?

Simple TOTP/HOTP command line

How to installĀ ?

To install it, simply use gem install otp-cli

This tool requires zbar-tools for QR code import and imagemagick for QR code display (currently no simple way to do this with pure Ruby)

How to use it ?

Usage: otp [options] <filter>
    -a, --add STRING    Add secret from string
    -i, --img PATH      Add secret from QR code
    -q, --qrcode NAME   Display qrcode

To add a secret, import from a string or from a QR Code

otp -a otpauth://totp/name?secret=ASECRET
otp -i /tmp/qrcode.png

Secrets are saved onto $HOME/.otp. You can override location with OTP_CONFIG environment variable.

Supported OTP URI options are

* name (mandatory)
* secret (mandatory)
* issuer
* algorithm (default to SHA-1)
* digits (default to 6)
* period (default to 30s)

To issue a PIN

otp OTP
such OTP
595905 (25s)

PIN is automatically copied into your clipboard

If multiple OTP match your filter, you will be asked for the one to use:

otp OTP
[1] such OTP
[2] wow OTP
[3] many OTP
wow OTP
272784 (1s)

If you need to display a secret on a QR code, for example to import the OTP elsewhere

otp -q OTP