
OryHydraClient - the Ruby gem for the Ory Hydra API

Documentation for all of Ory Hydra's APIs.

This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v2.0.1
  • Package version: v2.0.1
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build ory-hydra-client.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./ory-hydra-client-v2.0.1.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./ory-hydra-client-v2.0.1.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'ory-hydra-client', '~> v2.0.1'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/ory/sdk, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'ory-hydra-client', :git => 'https://github.com/ory/sdk.git'

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'ory-hydra-client'

api_instance = OryHydraClient::JwkApi.new
set = 'set_example' # String | The JSON Web Key Set ID
create_json_web_key_set = OryHydraClient::CreateJsonWebKeySet.new({alg: 'alg_example', kid: 'kid_example', use: 'use_example'}) # CreateJsonWebKeySet | 

  #Create JSON Web Key
  result = api_instance.create_json_web_key_set(set, create_json_web_key_set)
  p result
rescue OryHydraClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling JwkApi->create_json_web_key_set: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
OryHydraClient::JwkApi create_json_web_key_set POST /admin/keys/set Create JSON Web Key
OryHydraClient::JwkApi delete_json_web_key DELETE /admin/keys/set/kid Delete JSON Web Key
OryHydraClient::JwkApi delete_json_web_key_set DELETE /admin/keys/set Delete JSON Web Key Set
OryHydraClient::JwkApi get_json_web_key GET /admin/keys/set/kid Get JSON Web Key
OryHydraClient::JwkApi get_json_web_key_set GET /admin/keys/set Retrieve a JSON Web Key Set
OryHydraClient::JwkApi set_json_web_key PUT /admin/keys/set/kid Set JSON Web Key
OryHydraClient::JwkApi set_json_web_key_set PUT /admin/keys/set Update a JSON Web Key Set
OryHydraClient::MetadataApi get_version GET /version Return Running Software Version.
OryHydraClient::MetadataApi is_alive GET /health/alive Check HTTP Server Status
OryHydraClient::MetadataApi is_ready GET /health/ready Check HTTP Server and Database Status
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api accept_o_auth2_consent_request PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/consent/accept Accept OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api accept_o_auth2_login_request PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/login/accept Accept OAuth 2.0 Login Request
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api accept_o_auth2_logout_request PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/logout/accept Accept OAuth 2.0 Session Logout Request
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api create_o_auth2_client POST /admin/clients Create OAuth 2.0 Client
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api delete_o_auth2_client DELETE /admin/clients/id Delete OAuth 2.0 Client
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api delete_o_auth2_token DELETE /admin/oauth2/tokens Delete OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens from specific OAuth 2.0 Client
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api delete_trusted_o_auth2_jwt_grant_issuer DELETE /admin/trust/grants/jwt-bearer/issuers/id Delete Trusted OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuer
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api get_o_auth2_client GET /admin/clients/id Get an OAuth 2.0 Client
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api get_o_auth2_consent_request GET /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/consent Get OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api get_o_auth2_login_request GET /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/login Get OAuth 2.0 Login Request
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api get_o_auth2_logout_request GET /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/logout Get OAuth 2.0 Session Logout Request
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api get_trusted_o_auth2_jwt_grant_issuer GET /admin/trust/grants/jwt-bearer/issuers/id Get Trusted OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuer
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api introspect_o_auth2_token POST /admin/oauth2/introspect Introspect OAuth2 Access and Refresh Tokens
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api list_o_auth2_clients GET /admin/clients List OAuth 2.0 Clients
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api list_o_auth2_consent_sessions GET /admin/oauth2/auth/sessions/consent List OAuth 2.0 Consent Sessions of a Subject
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api list_trusted_o_auth2_jwt_grant_issuers GET /admin/trust/grants/jwt-bearer/issuers List Trusted OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuers
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api o_auth2_authorize GET /oauth2/auth OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api oauth2_token_exchange POST /oauth2/token The OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api patch_o_auth2_client PATCH /admin/clients/id Patch OAuth 2.0 Client
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api reject_o_auth2_consent_request PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/consent/reject Reject OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api reject_o_auth2_login_request PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/login/reject Reject OAuth 2.0 Login Request
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api reject_o_auth2_logout_request PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/logout/reject Reject OAuth 2.0 Session Logout Request
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api revoke_o_auth2_consent_sessions DELETE /admin/oauth2/auth/sessions/consent Revoke OAuth 2.0 Consent Sessions of a Subject
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api revoke_o_auth2_login_sessions DELETE /admin/oauth2/auth/sessions/login Revokes All OAuth 2.0 Login Sessions of a Subject
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api revoke_o_auth2_token POST /oauth2/revoke Revoke OAuth 2.0 Access or Refresh Token
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api set_o_auth2_client PUT /admin/clients/id Set OAuth 2.0 Client
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api set_o_auth2_client_lifespans PUT /admin/clients/id/lifespans Set OAuth2 Client Token Lifespans
OryHydraClient::OAuth2Api trust_o_auth2_jwt_grant_issuer POST /admin/trust/grants/jwt-bearer/issuers Trust OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuer
OryHydraClient::OidcApi create_oidc_dynamic_client POST /oauth2/register Register OAuth2 Client using OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
OryHydraClient::OidcApi delete_oidc_dynamic_client DELETE /oauth2/register/id Delete OAuth 2.0 Client using the OpenID Dynamic Client Registration Management Protocol
OryHydraClient::OidcApi discover_oidc_configuration GET /.well-known/openid-configuration OpenID Connect Discovery
OryHydraClient::OidcApi get_oidc_dynamic_client GET /oauth2/register/id Get OAuth2 Client using OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
OryHydraClient::OidcApi get_oidc_user_info GET /userinfo OpenID Connect Userinfo
OryHydraClient::OidcApi revoke_oidc_session GET /oauth2/sessions/logout OpenID Connect Front- and Back-channel Enabled Logout
OryHydraClient::OidcApi set_oidc_dynamic_client PUT /oauth2/register/id Set OAuth2 Client using OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
OryHydraClient::WellknownApi discover_json_web_keys GET /.well-known/jwks.json Discover Well-Known JSON Web Keys

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: Bearer authentication


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: accessCode
  • Authorization URL: https://hydra.demo.ory.sh/oauth2/auth
  • Scopes:
    • offline: A scope required when requesting refresh tokens (alias for `offline_access`)
    • offline_access: A scope required when requesting refresh tokens
    • openid: Request an OpenID Connect ID Token