Ordinal Inscription (SQL) Database

ordlite - ordinals inscription (on bitcoin & co) database let's you query via sql and more

SQL Database Model

Inscribes • Blobs • Collections • Generatives

Table Inscribes

CREATE TABLE "inscribes" (
    "id" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
    "num" integer NOT NULL,
    "bytes" integer NOT NULL,
    "content_type" varchar NOT NULL,
    "date" datetime(6) NOT NULL,
    "sat" integer NOT NULL,
    "block" integer NOT NULL,
    "fee" integer NOT NULL,
    "tx" varchar NOT NULL,
    "offset" integer NOT NULL,
    "address" varchar NOT NULL,
    "output" varchar NOT NULL,
    "value" integer NOT NULL,

Table Blobs

CREATE TABLE "blobs" (
    "id" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
    "content" blob NOT NULL, 


Step 0: Setup Databae

require 'ordlite'

OrdDb.connect( adapter:  'sqlite3',
               database: './ord.db' )

OrdDb.create_all     # build table schema

puts "  #{Inscribe.count} inscribe(s)"
puts "  #{Blob.count} blob(s)"
puts "  #{Collection.count} collection(s)"
puts "  #{Generative.count} generative(s)"

#=>  0 inscribe(s)
#=>  0 blob(s)
#=>  0 collection(s)
#=>  0 generative(s)

Example No 1 - Query Ordgen Deploy / Mint Inscriptions

require 'ordlite'

OrdDb.connect( adapter:  'sqlite3',
               database: './ord.db' )

## query for deploy candidates
##  e.g. sql where clause like
##     content LIKE '%deploy%' 
##       AND (   content LIKE '%orc-721%' 
##            OR content LIKE '%og%')

deploys = Inscribe.deploys
puts "   #{deploys.size} deploy candidate(s)"

deploys.each_with_index do |rec,i|
    puts "==> deploy #{i} - num #{rec.num} - #{rec.bytes} bytes - #{rec.date}"
    puts rec.content 

punks_deploys = Inscribe.deploys_by( slug: 'diypunks')
puts "   #{punks_deploys.size} deploy candidate(s)"

## query for mint candidates
##  e.g. sql where clause like
##     content LIKE '%mint%' 
##       AND (   content LIKE '%orc-721%' 
##            OR content LIKE '%og%')

mints = Inscribe.mints
puts "   #{mints.size} mint candidate(s)"

## print last hundred mint candidates
mints[-100,100].each_with_index do |rec,i|
    puts "==> mint #{i} - num #{rec.num} - #{rec.bytes} bytes - #{rec.date}"
    puts rec.content 

phunks_mints = Inscribe.mints_by( slug: 'diyphunks')
puts "   #{phunks_mints.size} mint candidate(s)"

puts "   #{deploys.size} deploy candidate(s)"
puts "   #{mints.size} mint candidate(s)"

#=> 123 deploy candidate(s)
#=> 7453 mint candidate(s)

Bonus: Import (Cached) Inscription Meta Datafiles (& Content Blobs)

Let's import all cached inscriptions metadata datafiles (& content blobs) from /ordinals.cache into an (sql) database e.g. ord.db:

require 'ordlite'

OrdDb.connect( adapter:  'sqlite3',
               database: './ord.db' )

OrdDb.create_all     # build table schema

cache_dir = './ordinals.cache/inscription'
cache =  OrdDb::Cache.new( cache_dir )

puts "  #{Inscribe.count} inscribe(s)"
puts "  #{Blob.count} blob(s)"

#=>  8505 inscribe(s)
#=>  7611 blob(s)


The scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Join us in the Ordgen / ORC-721 discord (chat server). Yes you can. Your questions and commetary welcome.

Or post them over at the Help & Support page. Thanks.