
ordbase gem - “right-clicker” (off-chain) ordinals (pixel art) command-line tool, machinery & helpers for Bitcoin, Litcoin, Dogecoin & co.

Command-Line Usage

Let’s use the 100 Ordinal Punks collection to try out the ordbase command-line tool shipping with the ordbase package.

Tip: New to Ordinal Punks? For some background see Awesome 100 Ordinal Punks (Anno 2023) Notes - 24×24 Pixel Art on the (Bitcoin) Blockchain »

Step 0: Prepare A Tabular Dataset (List) Of All Ordinals w/ ID

For now a manual step - prepare a list of all ordinals with id in the comma-separated values (.csv) tabular dataset format. Example - ordinalpunks/ordinals.csv:

csv num, id 1, 96d87d7e59d75ebc0e6144b09fdd96355fcdaa86fd098d64c46f19a424012bbei0 2, acda637db995df796b35035fd978cc1a947f1e6fd5215968da88b7e38a7e4b37i0 3, 0406654dffdd01a49794bd8531bf33721986cc7c6546f871962adee921a39a9di0 4, 2fe9bb034f60db694701acb23a76c3d7d5aba4328dbd315764f6ee406ba41786i0 5, dcfa240f2681d1e4a8948120a3a64567262e3c78d5497cb4e97351bfa836b638i0 6, 16df62c86321895df2b93236d103c935015ed77e189485be649ce2c7e6ac8a4ei0 7, 81e8d9159b8e9a27c692a5bb3ba18ca037757e94e975b53e175eaaeb2c52f15ai0 8, c2e15fe87c4b1fd61de65f2804858e6d1152b6316bcb9c2b39b69c9c21638f5di0 9, 3ed569f3a92ade9f1b47031eb2db2045e7dee3e00787954a88c67ed2ad9854bbi0 ...

Step 1: Download All Pixel Art Images Via Ordinals.com


$ ordbase ordinalpunks image # or $ ordbase ordinalpunks img

to download all images via the ordinals.com (web) service. All images get stored in the (temporary) token-i/ directory. Resulting in:

/ordinalpunks ordinals.csv /token-i 1.png 2.png 3.png ...

Step 2: Downsample (“Pixelate”) All Pixel Art Images

Note: Most pixel art collections upload / inscribe images with a zoom. The ordinal punks, for example, use a 8x zoom factor for the 24×24px originals, thus, resulting in 192×192px.

Add a “artbase-compatible” collection configuration file to lists the source format(s) and the minimal true pixel format. Example - ordinalpunks/collection.yml:

yaml slug: ordinalpunks count: 100 format: 24x24 source: 192x192 offset: 1


$ ordbase ordinalpunks pixelate # or $ ordbase ordinalpunks px

to downsample (“pixelate”) all images in the (temporary) token-i/ directory. Resulting in a 24x24/ directory with all images in the “minimal” 24x24 format:

/ordinalpunks ordinals.csv collections.yml /24x24 1.png 2.png 3.png ...

Bonus: Step 3: Make An All-In-One Collect’Em All Composite Image


$ ordbase ordinalpunks composite # or $ ordbase ordinalpunks comp

to make an all-in-one image composite for the complete collection. Resulting in /tmp/ordinalpunks.png (~11kb).

That’s it for now.

Bonus: More Ordinal Pixel Art Collections

See the Ordinals (Pixel Art) Sandbox (& Cache) for more collections incl. Bitcoin Punks (24×24), Ordinal Mini Doges (24×24), Extra Ordinal Women (32×32), Ordinal Penguins (35×35), Ordinal Birds (42×42), Bitcoin Bears (48×48) and much more.

Add your sandbox or “right-clicker” ordinal backup / archive / gallery here. Yes, you can.


The scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them over at the Help & Support page. Thanks.