
A simple client for interacting with the Orchestration Services API in Puppet Enterprise Puppet orchestration API


Currently, this client supports the "V1" endpoints shipped as part of Puppet Enterprise 2016.2.


gem install orchestrator_client


Requires a token with 'Orchestration' permissions. By default the token is expected to be at ~/.puppetlabs/token which is the default location used by puppet-access when creating token.

initialization Settings

  • service-url [required] - Base URL for the location of the Orchestrator API service
  • cacert [required] - Path to the CA certificate file needed to verify the SSL connection to the API.
  • token-file- Path to a file with the RBAC token in it (defaults to ~/.puppetlabs/token)
  • token - Pass directly the RBAC token, if specified the token will be used instead of a token from file.
  • User-Agent- Set User-Agent header for HTTP requests. Defaults to OrchestratorRubyClient/[VERSION]
  • job-poll-interval- Set the default amount of time to sleep when polling in Orchestrator::Job#wait and #each_event
  • job-poll-timeout- Set the default maximum amount of time to wait in Orchestrator::Job#wait


require 'orchestrator_client'

# Create a new client
# Requires at least a server name and path to the CA certificate

client = OrchestratorClient.new({
                                'service-url' => 'https://orchestrator.example.lan:8143/orchestrator/v1',
                                'cacert'     => '/path/to/cert'

## Access endpoints through the client object

# Get details on all known jobs
result = client.jobs.all

# Get details on Individual jobs (job "5" in this example)

# Perform an orchestrator deployment
new_job_details = client.command.deploy('production', {'noop' => true })


bundle install
bundle exec rspec

Issues & Contributions

File issues or feature requests using GitHub issues.

If you are interested in contributing to this project, please see the Contribution Guidelines


Tom Linkin [email protected]
