
A command line tool to automate development workflow in ORA


$ gem install ora-cli
$ ora-install


$ ora-uninstall
$ gem uninstall ora-cli


$ ora
  1. Run ora command at the project folder
  2. Fuzzy search (using selecta) the task you want to run and type enter.
  3. Create ~/bin/selecta to use custom version of selecta


new_feature_branch: Create a new branch from up-to-date develop branch

push_feature_branch: Push current feature branch to remote ready for pull request

delete_feature_branch: Delete current feature branch

push_to_staging: Push current feature branch to staging

push_to_uat: Push current feature branch to uat

push_to_master: Push develop to master with a version tag with a message including all new pull requests from the previous tag

switch_branch: Switch branch without thinking about dirty files

Custom develop branch

$ ora branch-name

You can parse a branch name to ora command to use it instead develop branch. Useful when we need a second develop branch.

push_to_master will still push from develop to master.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ducktyper/ora-cli.