OpzWorks CLI

Command line interface for managing AWS OpsWorks chef cookbooks and stack json, as well as other OpsWorks centric tasks such as generating ssh configs for OpsWorks instances.


See the wiki for more detailed information on getting started, walkthroughs, etc.

Build Status

Circle CI

Third party requirements:

Ruby 2.3+, and...

Again, please see the wiki for details!


Install for use on the command line (requires ruby and rubygems): gem install opzworks

Then run opzworks --help

To use the gem in a project, add gem 'opzworks' to your Gemfile, and then execute: bundle

To build locally from this repository: rake install



Generate and update SSH configuration files, or alternatively return a list of IPs for matching stacks.


Perform [start|stop|bounce|rolling] operations on an Elastic cluster.

The host from which this command is originated will need to have access to the the target systems via private IP and assumes port 9200 is open and available.

This is a very rough implementation!


Update stack custom JSON.


Build the berkshelf for a stack, or only upload the Berksfile to allow remote berkshelf management on the host, upload the tarball to S3, trigger update_custom_cookbooks on the stack.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request