Ops Tasks

Provides your project with rake tasks for deploying to AWS via Opsworks

  • Alerts Slack channel that deployment is starting
  • Initiates a deployment on Opsworks
  • Monitors deployment until completion
  • Alerts Slack channel of result status for deployment


Add gem & source

# Gemfile
gem 'ops_tasks', '~> 0.4'

or install

gem install 'ops_tasks'

Find your AWS IAM Credentials

If my AWS IAM user name was Nick


Then click 'Manage Access Keys' and create a new Access Key. The secret key will only be shown once. After that, you'll have to create a new one if you lose it.

Find your stack and instance IDs

These are listed on the settings or details page for stacks and instances, and they're called Opsworks ID.

Setup your environment variables as follows:

variable name description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID your AWS access key id / API key
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY your AWS secret key / API secret
AWS_REGION region of AWS instance (should always be us-east-1)
production_layer_id opsworks layer id for production servers
production_stack_id opsworks stack id for production server
production_deploy_recipe deployment recipe for production server (cookbook-name::recipe-name)
production_project_name Project description used in hipchat alert ("App Name Production")
production_room_notifications true or false; enable or disable slack alerts
production_slack_channel Slack channel to alert of deployment
SLACK_API_TOKEN API token for your slack team
SLACK_BOT_IMG url for the icon that appears with the alert in slack. defaults to Bender.

To add additional layers, just copy the above format, and change production to whatever you'd like to name it. The deploy task will automatically detect your configurations based on the environment variables you set.


You can use figaro or dotenv. I prefer figaro.

Ruby Setup (without rails)

  1. If using figaro, add your application.yml file to the ./config/ directory (create one).
  2. If using dotenv, use a .env file in the root of your project.
  3. To generate a dotenv file, run the command

    ops_tasks init

  4. To add a deploy environment, run the command

    ops_tasks add <environment name>

Usage (With Rails)

If you only have one deployment environment in your env file, ops_tasks will run that one automatically. If more than one exists, ops_tasks will prompt you via a graphical menu.

Update Cookbooks

bundle exec rake ops_tasks:update_cookbooks

Deploy to AWS

bundle exec rake ops_tasks:deploy

Select a server...
1. staging
2. production
3. realtime
4. sidekiq
5. quit
?  4
Sidekiq Server: Preparing deployment... successful
Sidekiq Server: Running... successful

Run Configuration Recipes

bundle exec rake ops_tasks:configure

Run Setup Recipes

bundle exec rake ops_tasks:setup

Usage (Without Rails)

Run any of these tasks from your project directory

# Run the deploy recipe noted in your env
ops_tasks deploy

# Run the setup recipe(s) as listed in your OpsWorks Layer
ops_tasks setup

# Update your cookbooks on OpsWorks
ops_tasks update_cookbooks

# Run the configure recipe(s) as listed in your OpsWorks Layer
ops_tasks configure