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Ruby KAF Parser

This repository contains the source code of the opener-kaf-parser, a simple and fast KAF parser based on Nokogiri. The KAF parser is a stack based parser that uses the SAX parsing API of Nokogiri, thus it should (in theory) be able to handle large KAF files without too much trouble.


Create a parser instance and parse some KAF:

require 'opener/kaf_parser'

parser =
ast    = parser.parse('...')

The return value is a list of Opener::KafParser::AST nodes which behave like S expressions (and are formatted that way when calling #inspect on them). Currently there are 3 node types:

  • document
  • text
  • opinion

The latter groups a set of text nodes together that make up the opinion.

To iterate over these nodes you'd do something along the lines of the following:

ast.language # => "en"

ast.children.each do |node|
  if node.type == :text
    puts "Word: #{node.inspect}"
    puts "Opinion: #{node.inspect}"

Presenting Text

To present an AST/text you can use one of the standard presenter classes. For example, if you want to turn an AST in a regular Ruby String you can use the Text presenter:

ast       = parser.parse('...')
presenter =

puts presenter.present(ast) # => "Hello, you are doing great"

Currently the following presenters are available:

  • Opener::KafParser::Presenter::Text
  • Opener::KafParser::Presenter::HTML


  • Ruby 1.9.3 or newer
  • libxml2 (newer versions of Nokogiri ship libxml themselves)


Installing as a Gem:

gem install opener-kaf-parser

Using Bundler:

gem 'opener-kaf-parser',
  :git => '[email protected]:opener-project/ruby-kaf-parser'