OpenCellID Client Library

opencellid-client is a ruby gem that aims at simplifying the usage of the APIs provided by to transform cell IDs into coordinates.


Simply install the gem to your system

gem install opencellid-client

or if you are using Bundler add it to your gemspec file and run bundle install.


First of all require 'opencellid' in your application.

Read functionality (i.e. methods that only query the database generally do not require an API key), write methods instead do require an API key, so if you do not have one, head to the OpenCellID website and get one for yourself.

Initialize the main Opencellid object with the API key (if any)

opencellid =


opencellid = my_key

and then invoke methods on the object just created. The return values of all methods is of type Response. invoking method ok? verifies that the response is a successful one. If the response is successful, method-dependent results can be got from the response, otherwise an error object can be extracted from the response and the use its code and info methods to obtain the error code and human readable description.

Querying Cells

Cells can be queried using a combination of parameters: the cell id, the mnc (operator) and mcc (country) code or the local area code lac. For a more detailed description of these parameters please refere to the OpenCellID site.

Parameters are first set into a Cell object and then the object is passed to the method. E.g. to query for the position of the cell with id 123000, mnc 5 and mcc 244

target_cell =,244,5,nil response = opencellid.get_cell(target_cell) result_cell = response.cells[0]

similarly to query for the measures related to the same cell

target_cell =,244,5,nil response = opencellid.get_cell_measures(target_cell) result_cell = response.cells[0] measures = result.cell.measures

Finally to query for cells in a bounding box, a BBox object must provided. In addition to that, the set of results can be limited by number, by mcc or by mnc code by specifying respectively the :limit,:mcc and :mnc keys of the options hash.

To get the first 10 cells belonging to operator whose mnc code is 5 within the bounding box the code is the following

bbox =,40.0,60.0,70.0) response = opencellid.get_cells_in_area(bbox, :limit => 10, :mnc => 5) cells = response.cells

Adding and Deleting Measures

Adding, deleting and listing "own" measures (i.e. measures inserted by the same user) require that an API key is made available to the library at initialization time.

Measure can be added by providing a cell object identifying the cell to which the measure refers to, and a measure containing the actual measure details.

target_cell =,244,5,9000) measure =,60.0, measure.signal = 15 response = opencellid.add_measure(target_cell,measure)

The response object will contain the cell id and the measure id. Using the measure id it is later on possible to delete the measure, if so desired

`response = opencellid.delete_measure(measure_id)

Measure Ids can also be obtained by listing all the measures belonging to the user whose API key has been provided to the library

response = opencellid.list_measures measures = response.measures

Bulk addition of measures

Bulk addition of measure by uploading a CSV formatted file to the OpenCellID server is not yet supported by this library.