
A simple mountable Rails engine to provide a secure way for users to report issues they see with the application. Useful in QA and UAT environments. Minimal gem with no dependencies outside of Rails and Octokit.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'open_github_issue'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install open_github_issue

This engine requires mounting, e.g.:

# config/routes.rb

mount OpenGithubIssue::Engine, on: '/ogi'

Include JavaScript in app/assets/javascripts/application.js:

// = require 'open_github_issue'

Include default CSS in app/assets/stylesheets/application.css (or equivalent):

* = require 'open_github_issue'

Or, if you're using SCSS:



Build an initializer like this one (defaults presented where available):

OpenGithubIssue.configure do |config|
  config.github_access_token = 'insert-token-here' # default: nil
  config.github_repo = 'paweljw/open_github_issue' # default: nil
  config.user_method = :current_user # default
  config.user_name_method = :email # default
  config.constraint = proc { |user| user } # default


A personal access token (get one in the GitHub settings) with repo permissions.


Path to your GitHub repository (see above example).


This is expected to exist on controllers where OpenGithubIssue is used. Passed to constraint. user_name_method is also called on the result of this method. It can be nil; nothing will be passed to constraint and user names will not be attached to reports. current_user used by default - if you're using Devise, you're all set.


Attached to issue reports, transparently to the user reporting the issues. Useful for reporter identification purposes. Not attached to reports if set to nil. email by default - if your current user responds to this, you're all set.


Called to determine whether the user should be shown the option to report issues. For example, if you want to show the form to all logged in users, proc { |user| user } will suffice, or proc { |_| true } if everyone should have the possibility. You can screen this out by role with e.g. proc { |user| }. If everyone should have access, but only in e.g. staging environment, proc { |_| Rails.env.staging? } will come in handy.


This gem's behavior can be customized in several ways.

The report form

The report form can be customized to fit in better with the design of your application. If you place a partial in app/views/application/_open_github_issue_form.html.erb, it will take precedence over the built-in view.


Localize this gem for your application using config/locales/open_github_issue.en.yml as reference. This gem is currently localized in :en and :pl locales.

Controller behavior

Define your own OpenGithubIssue::ReportsController using the one in app/controllers/open_github_issue/reports_controller.rb as reference to customize behavior, e.g. redirects and flashes.


[ ] Proper specs [ ] Hook up CI (e.g. Travis CI) [ ] Hook up a linting service (e.g. CodeClimate)


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.