
Gem for orchestrating the creation of infrastructures of hosts and containers. You can manage CREATION (in any provider: DigitalOcean, Gcloud, vagrant for the moment), SHIPPING (with docker containers) and CONFIGURING (with Chef). All with 3 commands per host:

  1. ops create prod.example.com: Create hosts from all possible cloud providers (i.e.: DigitalOcean, GCloud, Rackspace, Linode ...).
  2. ops ship prod.example.com: Ship those hosts with Docker containers.
  3. ops configure prod.example.com: Build Chef cookbooks and configure/re-configure your servers.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'open-dock'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install open-dock

Initialize project

TODO: ops init to create folder structure and example files



Adding PROVIDER (/providers)

ops list command will list all providers supported by this gem.

Digital Ocean


  • Create DigitalOcean account
  • Activate Read/Write token at: DigitalOcean console > Apps & API > Generate new token. Be sure to give write permissions.

For a Digital Ocean provider create a file (ops/providers/digital_ocean.yml) with your account API key:

token: a206ae60dda6bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcf0cbf41

Google Cloud


  • Create GoogleCloud account
  • Create a Project at the console
  • Create a service account in the project console:
    • Here the instructions
    • Download the .p12 file (for the ‘google_key_location’ parameter) and annotate ‘google_client_email’
  • Create a firewall rule to connect properly the servers (i.e. Allow tcp:1-65535): Project console > Compute > Compute Engine > Networks > default> Firewall rules > Create New

To configure Google Cloud provider create a file (ops/providers/digital_ocean.yml) with these params:

google_client_email: "850xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtauvbl@developer.gserviceaccount.com"
google_project: "project_name"
google_key_location: "path_to_your_p12_file"

Creating HOST (/hosts)

With these files you can configure your instances/servers/droplets/ships on every provider you have configured in the last point.

Helpful commands:

  • ops list digital_ocean list all possible parameter values to use in the yml file
  • ops create example.com will create your host

By default user to connect to host will be 'root' if not configured.

Vagrant Host

With Vagrant we do not need provider file anymore. But obviously qyou need to have installed in your workstation:

For a Vagrant host we can make the following file (ops/hosts/example.com.yml):

provider: vagrant
user: root   # User to connect the host
memory:     2048
box:        ubuntu/trusty64  ## Search on https://atlas.hashicorp.com

ops create example.com will create Vagrantfile, so you can suspend it vagrant suspend or manipulate with vagrant commands.

Digital Ocean Host

For a Digital Ocean host we can make the following file (ops/hosts/example.com.yml):

provider: digital_ocean
user: core   # User to connect the host
# Values to configure DigitalOcean machine
size:     1gb
region:   ams3
image:    coreos-stable
  - e7:51:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:88:57

Google Cloud Host

For a Google Cloud host we can make the following file (ops/hosts/example.com.yml):

provider: google_cloud
user: core   # User to connect the host
# Values to configure GoogleCloud machine
machine_type: g1-small
zone_name: europe-west1-b
public_key_path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
source_image: coreos-stable-444-5-0-v20141016
disk_size_gb: 10

Shipping hosted CONTAINERS (/containers)

To use this command you need Docker installed in the server.

In this file we can configure all containers to run in the host provided in the name:

  hostname: example.com
  image: jlebrijo/prun
    - '2222:22'
    - '80:80'
#  command: /bin/bash

# OPTIONS: use the long name of the options, 'detach' instead of '-d'
  detach: true
#  interactive: true
#  memory: 8g
#  cpuset: 0-7

# POST-CONDITIONS: execute after build the container:
#  post-conditions:
#    - sshpass -p 'J3mw?$_6' ssh-copy-id -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected] -p 2222
#    - ssh [email protected] -p 2222 "echo 'root:Kxxxxx1' | chpasswd"

# here you can create other containers
# db:
#   hostname: db.lebrijo.com
#   image: ubuntu/postgresql

ops ship example.com will create all containers configured on 'containers/example.com.yml' file

Note: host SSH credentials (id_rsa.pub and authorized_keys) are copied by default to container, in order to have the same access to container.

Shipping your local Docker

You can create a file containers/localhost.example.com.yml where you can define containers. And launch them on your workstation:

ops ship localhost.example.com

By convention:

  • If [host_name] includes "localhost" string, it is assumed that containers are shipped as docker containers in local workstation

Configuring Host (/nodes)

Configuration with Chef:

  • Install Chef and configure host from nodes/[host_name].json file
  • Configure all containers in a Host from nodes/[host_name]/* containers.
  • Configure specific container in a Host from nodes/[host_name]/[container_name] containers.

Configuration with chef commands

  • ops configure HOST_NAME: configure with chef all containers in host. Here you need to install knife-solo gem.
    • Equivalent to: knife solo cook root@[HOST_NAME] -p [each container_ssh_port]
    • --container CONTAINER_NAME to configure one container (default: '--container all')

By convention:

  • "root" is the user by default in all containers
  • Each container configuration is defined in a Chef node: nodes/[host_name]/[container_name].json
  • If there is only a json file, is assumed a non-docker host: nodes/[host_name].json
# Just configure host from example.com.json
ops configure example.com
# Configure all containers in 'example.com' host
ops configure example.com
# Configure 'www' container in 'example.com' host
ops configure example.com --container www
# == knife solo cook [email protected] nodes/example.com/www.json -p 2222

SSH connections

SSH connection to host or container:


Assuming SSHd installed in containers and hosts, you can


Create/delete domain names, create/delete hosts and ship/unship hosts:

  • TODO: ops init initialize needed folders and example files
  • TODO: ops list shows all providers for this gem. Create more providers (aws, linode, gcloud, ...)
  • ops create HOST_NAME create the host defined by the name of the file in the 'ops/hosts' folder.
  • ops delete HOST_NAME
  • TODO: ops recreate HOST_NAME delete/create the host.
  • ops exec HOST_NAME "COMMAND" execute any command on a host remotely (i.e. ops exec example.com 'docker ps -a')
  • ops ship HOST_NAME run the containers in the host.
  • ops unship HOST_NAME
  • TODO: ops reship HOST_NAME unship/ship all containers from host.
  • ops configure HOST_NAME configure all containers with chef.
  • ops ssh HOST_NAME [CONTAINER_NAME] ssh connection to host or container
  • TODO: ops graph creates a graphic with all hosts and nodes in the project

Create your infrastructure project (/ops)

OPS command is focused to cover first Provision configurations for a the Operations of your infrastructure.

You can create an infrastructure project (like me /ops)

mkdir ops && cd ops
rbenv local 2.1.2
git init

Create a Gemfile:

source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'open-dock'

# OPTIONAL: Add next gems if you want to integrate with Chef as Configuration management technology
gem 'knife-solo'
gem 'librarian-chef'
gem 'foodcritic'

And: bundle install

To avoid bundle exec repfix: bundle install --binstubs .bundle/bin

Or integrate it within your Chef infrastructure project. Just add the gem to your Gemfile.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/open-dock/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


MIT License. Made by Lebrijo.com

Release notes


  • First publication: split 'open-dock' gem from 'prun-ops' gem


  • Remove create/delete domain commands
  • Remove "host" word from all commands
  • Remove /ops folder from providers, hosts and containers subfolders


  • Added Google Cloud as provider
  • Now providers files are called underscored: digital_ocean, google_cloud ....
  • In hosts YAML files we should include which provider will be built (i.e. provider: digital_ocean)


  • Launch local containers with containers/localhost.yml and ops ship localhost


Create command ops configure [host_name] this will cook all containers. By convention:

  • "root" is the user in all containers
  • Each container configuration is defined in a Chef node: nodes/[container_name].[host_name].json
  • Then you have to create all container name records in your DNS provider: [container_name].[host_name] CNAME [host_name].
  • If [host_name] include "localhost" string, it is assumed that containers are shipped on local workstation


  • Delete post-conditions from containers files. By default host credentials are passed to conainers.


  • Chef containers configuration files goes to nodes/[host_name]/[container_name].json
  • Create ssh connections commands: 'ops ssh [host_name] [container_name]'


  • Including Vagrant provider


  • Adding the posibility to configure non-docker hosts.