Open Dock

Covers Provision and Configuration Operations for complex server clouds:

  1. PROVISION: Create hosts from all possible cloud providers (i.e.: DigitalOcean, GCloud, Rackspace, Linode ...).
  2. WIRING: Ship those hosts with Docker containers.
  3. CONFIGURATION: Build Chef cookbooks and configure/re-configure your servers.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'open-dock'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install open-dock

Initialize project

TODO: ops init to create folder structure and example files



Configure PROVIDER

ops list command will list all providers suported by this gem.

TODO: Create more providers (aws, linode, gcloud, ...)

Digital Ocean


  • Create DigitalOcean account
  • Activate Read/Write token at: DigitalOcean console > Apps & API > Generate new token. Be sure to give write permissions.

For a Digital Ocean provider create a file (ops/providers/digital_ocean.yml) with your account API key:

token: a206ae60dda6bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcf0cbf41

Google Cloud


  • Create GoogleCloud account
  • Create a Project at the console
  • Create a service account in the project console:
    • Here the instructions
    • Download the .p12 file (for the ‘google_key_location’ parameter) and annotate ‘google_client_email’
  • Create a firewall rule to connect properly the servers (i.e. Allow tcp:1-65535): Project console > Compute > Compute Engine > Networks > default> Firewall rules > Create New

To configure Google Cloud provider create a file (ops/providers/digital_ocean.yml) with these params:

google_client_email: ""
google_project: "project_name"
google_key_location: "path_to_your_p12_file"

You can see how to create at

Configure HOST

With these files you can configure your instances/servers/droplets/ships on every provider you have configured in the last point.

Helpful commands:

  • ops list digital_ocean list all possible parameter values to use in the yml file
  • ops create will create your host

Digital Ocean Host

For a Digital Ocean host we can make the following file (ops/hosts/

provider: digital_ocean
user: core   # User to connect the host
# Values to configure DigitalOcean machine
size:     1gb
region:   ams3
image:    coreos-stable
  - e7:51:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:88:57

Google Cloud Host

For a Google Cloud host we can make the following file (ops/hosts/

provider: google_cloud
user: core   # User to connect the host
# Values to configure GoogleCloud machine
machine_type: g1-small
zone_name: europe-west1-b
public_key_path: ~/.ssh/
source_image: coreos-stable-444-5-0-v20141016
disk_size_gb: 10

Configure hosted CONTAINERS (Docker)

In this file we can configure all containers to run in the host provided in the name:

  image: jlebrijo/prun
    - '2222:22'
    - '80:80'
#  command: /bin/bash

# OPTIONS: use the long name of the options, 'detach' instead of '-d'
  detach: true
#  interactive: true
#  memory: 8g
#  cpuset: 0-7

# POST-CONDITIONS: execute after build the container:
    - sshpass -p 'J3mw?$_6' ssh-copy-id -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i ~/.ssh/ [email protected] -p 2222
    - ssh [email protected] -p 2222 "echo 'root:K8rt$_?1' | chpasswd"

# here you can create other containers
# db:
#   image: ubuntu/postgresql

ops ship will create all containers configured on 'containers/' file

TODO: Configure Containers (are nodes, with Chef)

Configuration with chef commands

  • ops configure CONTAINER_NAME HOST_NAME: configure with chef a container in host. Here you need to install knife-solo gem.
    • knife solo cook [container_user]@[HOST_NAME] -p [container_ssh_port]


Create/delete domain names, create/delete hosts and ship/unship hosts:

  • TODO: ops init initialize needed folders and example files
  • ops create HOST_NAME create the host defined by the name of the file in the 'ops/hosts' folder.
  • ops delete HOST_NAME
  • TODO: ops recreate HOST_NAME delete/create the host.
  • ops exec HOST_NAME "COMMAND" execute any command on a host remotely (i.e. ops exec 'docker ps -a')
  • ops ship HOST_NAME run the containers in the host.
  • ops unship HOST_NAME
  • TODO: ops reship HOST_NAME unship/ship all containers from host.
  • TODO: ops configure CONTAINER_NAME HOST_NAME configure container with chef.

Create your infrastructure project (/ops)

OPS command is focused to cover first Provision configurations for a the Operations of your infrastructure.

You can create an infrastructure project (like me /ops)

mkdir ops && cd ops
rbenv local 2.1.2
git init

Create a Gemfile:

source ''

gem 'open-dock'

# OPTIONAL: Add next gems if you want to integrate with Chef as Configuration management tecnology
gem 'knife-solo'
gem 'librarian-chef'
gem 'foodcritic'

And: bundle install

To avoid bundle exec repfix: bundle install --binstubs .bundle/bin

Or integrate it within your Chef infrastructure project. Just add the gem to your Gemfile.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/open-dock/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


MIT License. Made by

Release notes


  • First publication: split 'open-dock' gem from 'prun-ops' gem


  • Remove create/delete domain commands
  • Remove "host" word from all commands
  • Remove /ops folder from providers, hosts and containers subfolders


  • Added Google Cloud as provider
  • Now providers files are called underscored: digital_ocean, google_cloud ....
  • In hosts YAML files we should include which provider will be built (i.e. provider: digital_ocean)