
Object Oriented Keys for Redis.


Interact with Redis keys in an object oriented way.

# Create an instance of Ook by passing
# a Redis client and a key.
k = Ook.new(Redic.new, "foo")

# As it depends on [Nido][nido], you can
# append strings to the original namespace:
k["bar"]["baz"].to_s #=> "foo:bar:baz"

# And if you call Redis commands on it,
# the key will be inserted as the second
# parameter when sent to the Redis client:
k.call("SET", 42") # SET foo 42
k.call("GET")      # GET foo


The external API is very similar to that of Nido, but in addition you need to suply a Redis client. For a compatible client, check Redic.

ns = Ook.new(Redic.new, "foo")

ns["bar"]["baz"].call("LPUSH", "42")
ns["bar"]["baz"].call("LLEN") #=> 1

ns2 = ns["bar"]["baz"]
ns2.call("LLEN") #=> 1

And you can use any object as a key, not only strings:

ns[:bar][42] #=> "foo:bar:42"


$ gem install ook